January 2023 Progress Report

During the summer and fall of 2022, we attempted to improve the search and browsing experience on The Dock. As we did so, we were advised that our visitors would be best served by a more thorough revamping of the site’s code. We are planning to rewrite the code for The Dock in the spring of 2023. Until this is completed, we expect to website to continue to serve visitors at the current level of functionality.

Our bloggers continued to produce reader favorites throughout the year (see the analytics report below). In addition, our YouTube channel gained popularity. We added new videos, the audio from several education events, and a handful of user-created documents.

If you or someone you know has produced classroom materials, board documents, or administrative policies that could benefit other schools, share them here! Bring your questions and ideas to Conversations at The Dock.

Financial report

Fiscal year-to-date summary (July–December 2022)

Year to dateBudget% of budget
Beginning balance
carried over from previous year
Net income($1,520)$0
Due to rounding, numbers may add up differently.

Expense breakdown (October–December 2022)

Blog posts$455
Tech infrastructure$1,137
Office expenses$444
Video project$0
Due to rounding, numbers may add up differently.


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