Marshall Memo 670 (Sample)

This is a sample issue of The Marshall Memo, a weekly review of educational articles. Note that it is not from an Anabaptist perspective.

From the website:

The Marshall Memo, published since 2003, is designed to keep principals, teachers, superintendents, and other educators very well-informed on current research and best practices in the field. Kim Marshall, drawing on his experience as a teacher, principal, central office administrator, consultant, and writer, lightens the load of busy educators by serving as their “designated reader.” To produce the Marshall Memo, Kim subscribes to 64 carefully-chosen publications and looks through scores of articles each week and selects 5-10 that have the greatest potential to improve teaching, leadership, and learning. He then writes a brief summary of each article, provides e-links to full articles if they’re  available, highlights a few striking quotes, and e-mails the Memo to subscribers every Tuesday (with the exception of a two-week mid-summer vacation). Subscribers can also listen to a podcast recording of the Memo or read it in HTML format on a smartphone or tablet. What do subscribers gain from the 20 minutes it takes to read the Marshall Memo? For one thing, they feel less guilty about not getting to all those journals piled up on their desks. More importantly, they tap into a rich vein of ideas and resources that can help them be more effective. Some Memo summaries reaffirm what practitioners are already doing well; some boost an idea higher up the “to-do” list; and some are genuinely new and take readers in a different direction. Reading the Memo provides top-notch professional development and keeps educators on the cutting edge – for only a dollar a week!

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