Learn more: https://www.fbep.org/attend/events/reach/
REACH is a bi-annual event hosted by Faith Builders. The lines between Faith Builders staff and students blur as everyone works to provide a place for nonprofit ministries, churches, and individuals to connect with each other and learn more about those ministries. We are honored to be able to assist up to 2,500 guests navigating the two-day event as they attend sessions, talk over lunch and between sessions, and continue to build the ministry and vision for service.
REACH brings together Christian workers from all walks of life. Farmers, businessmen, and young men and women share the vision and link arms with missionaries in Belize, food distributors in Ukraine, school teachers in city missions, teachers and students in Bible institutions, chiefs in boys’ camps, and producers and distributors of Christian literature. We pray that this gathering of people and the resulting outflow of ministry will bring glory to God and see the furtherance of His purposes for our time.
REACH includes main sessions, a range of breakout session topics, ministry focus sessions, a ministry display hall, and an opportunity to spend time connecting with new and old friends.
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