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In October, Faith Builders hosts a weekend conference for K-12 educators. Teachers Conference focuses on providing content and enrichment for long-term teachers serving conservative Anabaptist schools.
Our Teachers Conference is focused on themes and practices relevant to teachers already in the classroom. Each October, we host about 120 teachers for this event.
In 2023, the conference theme is Understanding Emotional Development.
John Coblentz will give four talks exploring what it means to become emotionally mature. We will begin by looking at the physiological components of emotion, how emotions develop through childhood and adolescence, how we experience emotions in human interaction, and the effects of trauma on emotional development. We will then explore the importance and power of emotions in the classroom. The focus will not only be on healthy emotional development of children, but also on the importance of emotional maturity for teachers.
Session #1: Emotional Development of Children
Session #2: Five Functions of Emotions
Session #3: How Trauma Affects Emotional Development
Session #4: Engaging Students Emotionally
The conference will also offer breakouts for teachers of all levels. Presenters include:
Registration for 2023 is full to capacity.
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