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Home » Series » Christian Light Writers and Artists Conference 2019
Insignificant details need to remain in diaries; worthwhile details go in literature. But how can we decipher between the insignificant and worthwhile when writing about personal experiences? Phyllis…
Arthur Plotnik said, You write to communicate to the hearts and minds of others whats burning inside you. And we edit to let the fire show through the smoke. What do editors wish you knew about…
The more skillfully you portray characters emotions, the more authentic your characters. Learn techniques that will convince readers your characters are real people they might meet in the paint…
What is creativity? A power given to only the enlightened few? No! Instead, creativity is an acquired skill that takes practice. In this interactive session, we will explore creativity as…
What makes children ages 9-14 read their favorite books till the pages fall out? Together we will peruse these books and discover how the authors reach this age groups heart.…
Theme is the glue that holds a story together, but sometimes we get stuck in it. We will examine how and when we identify theme, where we should put it, and why we allow it to sabotage our stories.…
Have you been writing for years but still feel like your storytelling isnt as engaging or compelling as it could be? Do you wish you were one of those authors whose readers are so drawn in that…
Have you ever stopped mid-sentence, thinking, This doesnt make sense. What is going on here? This story feels fake. When this happens, the message of the story is damaged. How can we craft our…
To establish an authentic historical era, a writer must know and use historical details. The reader cannot accurately picture historical scenes unless they are accurately portrayed. Learn how and…
Have you ever had a story character as a friend? Someone you knew so well you could ask him for advice . . . and get it? Why is it that some characters are so real that they impact the course of your…
Some poets, being dead, yet speak . . . because we are still listening. Why do we still like to hear and quote poets like Frost, Watts, Whittier, and Shakespearewhat did they more than others?…
Some professionals discount rhyme in poetry as cheap technique. Though rhyme alone does not deliver poetic quality, poetic language infused with winsome rhyme forms a stirring combination near the…
Some verses are skimmed and forgotten; others are savored and remembered. Lets explore the ways vulnerability, pivotal word choice, and author tone transform forgettable rhymes into living poetry…
Who is Christ? The Lord of the Church is glorious and of great power. Steve reviews prophecies of Christ’s work of redemption and relationship.…
What difference does it make that the Lord lives within us? Steve reflects on the power of the word of Christ living in us. He urges us to maintain our confidence in the transforming power of Jesus.…
If we are to serve the Lord by writing, design, and art, our basis must be clear: a surrendered life. Steve considers how Christians treat the sins of humanity in their literature and art.…
What makes some photos pop and others fizzle? In this workshop well discuss this question in an attempt to help us take better photos with whatever equipment we have. Well also discuss common…
Well focus on arranging still lifes, close-ups, and portraits, using props from nature and everyday life. Learn how sunlight and cropping can enhance the subject. Then well turn that photo into a…
Hymns come in familieshymns of a generation resemble each other. And many times they grow up, changing in one way or another before they come to us. Lets meet some great hymns and their…
The pace of new hymns being published exploded in the late twentieth century and is still expanding today. Discover how these hymns combine tradition with innovation, including some hymns by…
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