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Home » Series » Medieval Church History Class by Kendall Myers
Student handout on John Wycliffe’s life and beliefs.…
Teacher’s notes on John Wycliffe’s life and beliefs.…
Student handout on the Waldensians and the Albigenses, two groups who were persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church.…
Teacher’s notes on two groups who were persecuted by the Catholic church because of differing beliefs. Peter Waldo and his followers preached the gospel and followed a life of simplicity. The…
Christian History Magazine’s Issue 22 provides information on the Waldensians, including their history and beliefs, things their persecutors said about them, and a letter written by one of them from…
Powerpoint showing the split in the Holy Roman Empire between east and west, including pictures highlighting some differences.…
Student handout on the Great Schism that occurred in the Holy Roman Empire in 1054.…
Teacher’s notes on the split that occurred in the Holy Roman empire in 1054, giving some reasons for the great schism.…
A prayer attributed to St Patrick known as The Lorica or St Patrick’s Breastplate.…
Powerpoint including pictures and information of the decline and collapse of Rome and the Germanic tribes’ influence.…
Student handout on the decline of Rome and the effect this had on the church.…
Teacher’s notes on the decline of the Roman Empire, the invasion of the Germanic tribes, and the effects this had on the church.…
Answer Key for semester exam in church history from the birth of the church through the beginning of the Reformation.…
Test on the history of the church from its birth through the beginning of the Reformation.…
Test on the splits in the Catholic church of the middle ages, the crusades, John Wycliffe and John Hus.…
An alternate test about the church in the Middle Ages, Mohammad and Islam, and the Crusades.…
Timeline for students to date events from the life of Jesus until the Holy Roman Empire is formed.…
Test about the church in the Middle Ages, Mohammad and Islam, and the Crusades.…
Powerpoint including pictures of Charlemagna intending to show the spread of Roman Catholic influence in the middle ages.…
Student handout on the spread of Christianity throughout Europe by missionaries and political power.…
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