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Home » Series » Music Rudiments Worksheets
A music worksheet listing eleven things students should check for before submitting their final composition piece.…
A final music project. Students choose either to perform a piece of music or find and play a piece of music, giving their analysis of the piece.…
A music worksheet where students take hymns from the Mennonite Hymnal and find 6 pieces of information about them. They fill in a chart with details pertaining to conducting given hymns.…
A music worksheet giving students a list of things to check to polish the harmony in their composition in MuseScore.…
A music worksheet instructing students to compose alto and tenor lines in MuseScore.…
A music worksheet instructing students to compose a bass line in MuseScore.…
A music worksheet helping students compose chords to the melody line of a song using the software program MuseScore.…
A music worksheet that is a practice test. Students work with triads and compound time.…
A music worksheet where students analyze the chords of a hymn using Roman Numerals. They place the correct count of beats under a line of music.…
A music worksheet where students identify each triad using lead sheet notation and Roman Numeral analysis.…
A music worksheet where students notate the chords on the staff as indicated. They also count the beats, placing the correct count under each note and rest.…
A music worksheet where students identify chords using both lead sheet and slash notation.…
A music worksheet where students identify chords with both lead sheet and slash notation. They further practice this ability by identifying chords on part of a hymn.…
A music worksheet where students rewrite chords and identify them with lead sheet notation.…
A music worksheet where students identify triads with lead sheet notation and construct triads.…
A music worksheet where students learn about chords and triads, identifying if chords are augmented, major, minor, or diminished. They also fill in notes to create the designated chord quality.…
A music worksheet where students review the past several lessons about intervals, minor scales, accidentals, solfege, and key signatures.…
A music worksheet where students review intervals by identifying them.…
A music worksheet where students identify intervals that are second and third.…
A music worksheet where students identify perfect, augmented or diminished intervals.…
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