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Shady Grove Christian School is a small school with patrons from numerous conservative Mennonite and Beachy churches. We typically have between 65 and 85 students. For the 2024-2025 school year we…
Starr Mountain Academy is a new tutorial near Athens, TN. The founding group is from Wellspring Mennonite Church, but it is not formally connected. Students will be registered as home schooled and…
Valley View Christian School in Belleville, PA is searching out a grades 5-6 homeroom teacher for our 19 curious and engaged students. We are a congregationally owned and operated school that…
Small school in Jamesport Missouri looking for a Lead Teacher for approximately 20 students ranging from kindergarten through 6th grade. Missionary school with local outreach. Have to assistant…
Faith Christian School located in Catlett VA is hiring a teacher/principal for grades 6-12. (Approximately 8-10 students) Faith Christian School is a small Christian School supported and run by the…
We’re looking for a teacher for our 5th and 6th grade class, currently estimated to be two 5th graders and five 6th graders. For curriculum in 5th and 6th, we use mostly (but not all) CLE.…
Willowcreek School located in Russellville, Ky is looking to hire 2 younger grade teachers. We are a church school with approximately 60 students.…
Maranatha is an established school with a wide support base. It began in 1972 and now has 157 students and 23 staff members. For the school year 2024-25, we are looking to hire for the following…
Hampden Christian School in Baltimore is looking for a kindergarten intern. HCS serves a middle-class urban community, and our mission is growing flourishing students who love God. Currently…