Faith Mennonite High School seeks a History teacher

FMH is looking for someone who enjoys history and desires to teach high school age students. Classes might include: ·         9th grade – Pennsylvania History ·         10th grade – World History 1 with Early Church History (ancient to 1600’s) ·         11th grade – World History 2 with Mennonite/Anabaptist History (Reformation to today) ·         12th grade – US Government and Current Events (elective – runs based on interest) The position could be part-time or full-time if the right candidate would be able to teach other classes based on the candidate’s interests and experience. Purpose: “The church has a need for young people who are prepared and devoted to serve Christ in all areas of life.” Mission: “FMH educates students to passionately follow Jesus through excellence in academic, vocational, and Biblical disciplines.

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