Starr Mountain Academy is a new tutorial near Athens, TN. The founding group is from Wellspring Mennonite Church, but it is not formally connected. Students will be registered as home schooled and parents are responsible for grade reporting and any additional courses they may do at home. This may develop into a comprehensive school in the future. The tutor position is suited for a man or woman of various experience levels or vocational background. For 2024-2025, there will be a single classroom with students in grades 6 and up. (Currently 3 students for 6th grade, 1 for 7th, and 2 for 9th.) The tutorial will meet 4 ½ hours per day Monday-Thursday with student doing additional work at home. The tutor should plan for 6 hours of weekly prep work outside of that meeting time. The director of education will likely cover one or two classes to assist with spanning the grade range.
We are committed to a relational education in keeping with the example and insights of Charlotte Mason (draft document). The core curriculum will be The Alveary along with RightStart Mathematics. Training in pedagogical methods will be provided, as well as coaching throughout the year. While the teaching methods and curriculum require less preparation time and expertise from the tutor than do some methods, the tutor needs to be highly engaged and willing to learn new things. The teacher must be present with the students and approach all areas of the curriculum with joyful, attentive, diligent appreciation of God’s creation and what God has enabled humans to create.
This position has significant long-term potential. Other things equal, preference will be given to applicants with long-term interest. We plan to expand the grade range in future years creating opportunities for teaching different ages. There may also be opportunities to teach additional courses or help with administrative work.
Time commitments
To discuss this opportunity contact:
Marlin Sommers, Director of Education [email protected] (423) 381-0837
David Miller, Chairman [email protected] (423) 435-8639