This checklist is similar to what a doctor would give to parents and teachers to assist in determining an ADHD diagnosis. It is not a formal diagnostic tool in itself. The front is for the hyperactive/impulsive type of ADHD; the back is for the inattentive type of ADHD (formerly known as ADD).
Becky Bollinger
10 months ago
Great question! I think it is helpful to think of ADHD as a description of behaviors (rather than a diagnosis). In light of that, it is important to consider what is causing the behavior challenges. They could stem back to anxiety, attachment difficulties, or a chemical imbalance/neurological difference. The behaviors could be a way to cope with academic challenges or a response to an unstructured classroom environment or unrealistic expectations. Behaviors are complex, so there is not a “simple fix” or quick solution, necessarily. However, there are lots of strategies that you could try that could help make the behaviors more manageable. At this link, there is a video where I describe what ADHD is and give some tips for how to respond:
Introduction to Diverse Learners: ADHDI’d also recommend the book, “Managing ADHD in School” by Russell Barkley. He offers a lot of practical strategies and methods for teachers to implement at school.
10 months ago
What is the next step if one of my students matches up to the ADHD checklist? Is there some simple fixes?