Powerpoint highlighting the problems of Imperialism in the Roman Republic and the rise of the first two Roman dictators, Julius Caesar and Caesar Augustus.

Powerpoint highlighting the problems of Imperialism in the Roman Republic and the rise of the first two Roman dictators, Julius Caesar and Caesar Augustus.

This article tells some of the history of Christianity in Nagasaki. Christianity was illegal in Japan from 1600-1850, causing the church to go underground. After international pressure in the late 1800's, Japanese Christians were allowed to worship openly. The largest concentration of Christians in Japan was in Nagasaki.

Powerpoint about more recent political issues in the west, including economic, foreign,military,immigration, and social policies.

Powerpoint about the changes in the Soviet Union during the leadership of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. During this time, many countries in Europe abandoned their communist governments.

Powerpoint with pictures from the Holocaust in Europe during Hitler's dictatorship. A number of photos of present day Auschwitz are included.

Powerpoint about the Cold War from 1945-1991, including the countries that were involved in NATO and the Warsaw Pact.

Powerpoint about the spread of communism to North Korea, China and Vietnam.

Powerpoint about the ending of World War II, including the final battles in Northern Africa, Europe and the Pacific.

Powerpoint showing German and Japanese advancement in World War II: France defeated, Britian and Russia attacked, much land in the Pacific conquered, and Pearl Harbor bombed.

Powerpoint about Hitler's rise to power in Germany.

Powerpoint showing territorial changes after World War I and the treaties that were made to keep peace.

World History 4D From Republic To Dictatorship - The Dock for Learning

World History 4D From Republic To Dictatorship

Powerpoint highlighting the problems of Imperialism in the Roman Republic and the rise of the first two Roman dictators, Julius Caesar and Caesar Augustus.

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