Administrators Conference & Retreat

The effectiveness of our schools depends significantly on the effectiveness of the school administrator. This retreat helps administrators build vision for their schools and become effective leaders. 2023 PROGRAM In the midst of the demands and pressures of school leadership, an administrator’s source of inspiration and direction is critical. Techniques and tools can be helpful, but there is no substitute for a heart set on God and a life that is deeply rooted in His ways. In the three general sessions, Brian Yoder (Floyd, VA) will focus on what it means to live and work out of a deep and abiding relationship with God. In the divided session, Tyler Hochstetler will lead a work session that will speak to some of the key legal issues that are confronting Christian schools today. In addition, he will lead a policy-writing practicum for school administrators and host a Q/A on legal issues. . During the same time, Susan Schlabach (Georgetown, OH) will present a session for administrator’s wives. The conference will be held at the Antiochian Village Conference and Retreat Center near Ligonier, PA. It is limited to 45 administrators and their spouses. The conference costs $250 for an administrator and $390 for a couple. This includes lodging for two nights and all meals. Register at


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