Register to Become a User

Registration is open to those who are members of conservative Anabaptist churches and/or staff members at conservative Anabaptist schools. The Dock and its resources are freely available to all who visit the site. However, only registered users have the opportunity to post reviews of resources, contribute resources, and post in the forums. Registration is open to members of conservative Anabaptist churches and staff of conservative Anabaptist schools. Site administration will approve or reject requests for registration, requesting input from the board when needed.


No copyrighted materials may be posted. Comments and forum discussions are moderated for tone. Please post in the spirit of love and encouragement. Users whose postings are flagged as inappropriate may lose their privileges.Ā View our privacy policy: We ask for this information in order to provide access to the community of educators on The Dock. We will store your profile until you delete it. You can delete it at any time. We do not share your data with other organizations for any purpose. By submitting this form, you agree that you are eligible for an account according to these criteria. If you have any questions about eligibility, pleaseĀ contact us.

User Registration Form


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