A Prayer for Tired Teachers

Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash


We are weary.

We admit that sometimes the task before us seems too great to accomplish.

We are daunted by our never-ending to-do lists. We are overwhelmed by the students whose needs can’t be filled. We are carrying an emotional load that threatens to crush us.

We need you.

In humility and inadequacy, we cry out to you.

When we don’t know how to handle a difficult situation, give us your wisdom.

When our hearts are burdened by the emotional struggles of our students, give us your peace.

When we are exhausted before the day has even begun, give us your strength.

When we don’t know how to carry on, give us your grace.

When we are annoyed, frustrated, or angry, give us your love.

Help us to remember that you specialize in working through the weak.

Remind us of your words to Moses: “I will help you to speak and will teach you what to say.”

Remind us of your words to Gideon: “Go in the strength you have. Am I not sending you?”

Remind us of your words to Joshua: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for I am with you wherever you go.”

Remind us of your words to all peoples in all times: “I will never leave you or forsake you.”

Thank you that we do not walk alone. Thank you that without you, we are never enough; but with you, we have more than enough. Thank you that our mistakes and failures are never outside the reach of your redemption. Thank you that you love these students more than we do.

Pour that love into us, through us, and around us. Be the strength that is made perfect in our weakness. Fill us with your Spirit, who comforts us and shows us all truth.

May this season of weariness be a time of learning to rely fully on you.

Give us strength to walk forward into this day and faithfully do the next right thing.


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