2nd, 3rd & 4th, 7th & 8th Grade Teachers and Aides Needed

Tidings of Peace Christian School is currently looking for some additional staff. We must have 2nd grade, 3rd & 4th grade, and 7th & 8th grade teachers before school starts in the fall. (3 positions) We are also looking for two aides. For the 2nd and 3rd & 4th grade teaching positions, the individual will be expected to manage a classroom and teach the majority of subjects for the grades they are responsible for. For the 7th & 8th grade teaching position, the individual will be teaching primarily one subject that may include classes for all of 5th -12th grade in addition to being the homeroom teacher for the 7th and 8th grade students. For the aide positions, the individual will be responsible to provide assistance to the homeroom teachers as needed in either elementary or secondary grade levels. The aide in the elementary level will also have the task of working with our special ed director to ensure struggling students needs are being addressed in a timely manner. The secondary aide will also work with our special ed director to help any struggling secondary students, but will also be tasked with teaching some subject specific classes. If you are interested in any of these positions or have additional questions, please contact Tyler Burkholder, administrator, at 717-887-5347 or [email protected].

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