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Home » Documents » PA History Chapter 14 Lesson 3
Lesson plan for Pennsylvania state history. Students learn about different types of workers including entrepreneures and business executives.
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A news clip of Martin Luther King Jr. and the campaign to lift segregation laws in Burmingham, Alabama. Download for offline viewing…
Lesson plan for Pennsylvania state history. Students watch a youtube video about Philadelphia from 1944-1964 as it changes from a thriving city supporting the war effort to a declining economy with…
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Lesson plan for Pennsylvania state history. Students summarize the three branches of government and the checks and balances of their power. The lesson concludes with a discussion on the Christian’s…
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Information page about political parties for Pennsylvania state history. Students learn about the three major parties and other minor parties.…
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Lesson plan for Pennsylvania state history. Students learn why the Civil War was fought and the influence of the election of 1860.…
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