Administrators Conference and Retreat 2024

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Event Cost: $250

The effectiveness of our schools depends significantly on the effectiveness of the school administrator. This retreat helps administrators build vision for their schools and become effective leaders.

In the main sessions of the conference this year, Dan Rutt will draw on his years of experience as a school administrator to explore some practical ways that school leaders can capitalize on the opportunities they are given. The three areas of focus will be:

  • The Systems of the School
  • The Culture of the School
  • The Learning of the School

In addition, a work session focused on the partnership between the school board and school administrator will be offered. This session is intended to provide information and activities that will enable each attendee to develop ideas that are applicable to his specific context.  A session will also be offered for the wives of the administrators as well:  Mary Ann Brechbill will be speaking on “Women of Faith” and “Loving the Word of God.”


As school leaders, we have been given a platform to affect people, a community, and the future.  How do we take our place on the platform with all its roles and responsibilities?  In this series of talks, Dan Rutt will draw on his years of experience as a school administrator to explore some practical ways that school leaders can capitalize on the opportunity they have been given.


Capitalizing on Opportunity

Thursday, January 18
5:45–6:45Arrival and Check-in
7:00The Systems of the School   Dan Rutt, Denver, PA
8:25Small Groups Session 1
9:30-10:30Food and Fellowship
Friday, January 19
8:00–9:00Hot Breakfast
9:00-11:45Divided Session: Administrators Work Session, Wives’ Session
12:00–1:00  Lunch
1:00-3:30Refreshment & Connection
3:45-4:45Small Groups Session 2
7:00The Culture of the School   Dan Rutt, Denver, PA
8:30-9:30Food and Fellowship
Saturday, January 20
8:00–9:00Continental Breakfast
9:00-10:00Small Groups Session 3
10:30The Learning of the School   Dan Rutt, Denver, PA
12:00Lunch and Dismissal

The 2024 Administrators Conference will be held at the Antiochian Village Conference Center near Ligonier, Pennsylvania. This conference is designed to encourage and support administrators working in educational settings. Those who attended previous conferences have appreciated the focused interaction and input this event provides.This conference is limited to 45 administrators and spouses. The event costs $250 for an administrator and $390 for a couple. This includes lodging for two nights and all meals. Payment in full is requested at the time of registration.


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