Learn more: https://www.fbep.org/attend/events/teachers-week/
Near the heart of the mission of Faith Builders is our commitment to training teachers. Each year in August, Faith Builders hosts around 300 teachers and school staff at Teachers Week in Guys Mills, PA. Our goal is to provide resources to promote and sustain the vision for quality Christian education.
Teachers Week is packed with main sessions, workshops, and breakouts for new and experienced teachers. Evening activities enable attendees to share ideas with each other or enjoy reprieve from the content of the day.
Workshops and breakouts discuss teaching, history, science, math, literature, spelling, Bible, and more. Teachers Week is scheduled a week or more before school usually starts in the fall to give teachers a place to generate ideas, energy, and vision for the coming year. Attendees have found this event to be a focused week of practical content and ideas sharing built on a foundation of biblical teaching and refreshment.
FB Canada hosts Teachers Week Ontario the week after Faith Builders Teachers Week.
Teachers Week 2024 is planned for July 30-August 2. Registration will open on April 17.
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