Learn more: http://www.hopemennonitefellowship.org/hope-teachers-institute.html
8:30 Registration
9:00 Singing and Opening
9:10 – 9:45 Topic #1
The God of Patience and Consolation (Romans 15:5-7) –Linford Burkholder
9:45-10:00 Announcements
10:05 – 10:55 Workshop #1
A. A Fertile Environment (High School)–Neal Weaver
B. Establishing Discipline and Routine(Middle School) -Vincent Burkholder
C. A Warm, Nurturing Atmosphere (Elementary)-Jolene Martin
D. Basics for Beginning Teachers #1 –Joel Hurst
11:05 – 11:55 Workshop #2
A. Microsoft Word -Linford Burkholder
B. Come to Algebra Class (High School)-Scott Witmer
C. Come to Math Class (Middle School) –Kyle Kreider
D. Come to Math Class (Elementary) -Kendra Steiner
12:00-1:10 Lunch
1:10-1:40 Chorus – Loren Martin
1:50 – 2:40 Workshop #3
A. Chemistry (Part 1) -John Goering
B. Beginning Steps to Reading (Part 1)–Helen Hoover
C. Creative Art Classes(Part 1) –Jolyn Stelfox
D. Inspiring Students to Draw (Part 1)-Randy Bridge
E. SPECIAL ED Learning Support Approaches –Gary Horst
2:50 – 3:40 Workshop #4
A. Chemistry (Part 2) -John Goering
B. Beginning Steps to Reading (Part 2)–Helen Hoover
C. Creative Art Classes(Part 2) –Jolyn Stelfox
D. Inspiring Students to Draw (Part 2)-Randy Bridge
E. SPECIAL ED Phonics Foundations –Gary Horst
3:50 – 4:30 Topic # 2
Strength for the Day -Ken Gehman
4:30 Dismissal
4:30-5:30 Networking and Idea Sharing- Shop for books / Visit with other teachers / Bulletin Board, Art, and Idea Exchange
5:30 Supper
7:00 Singing and Devotions
7:15 The Martyrs Mirror: The Making of a Book –Edsel Burdge
9:00 Singing and Opening
9:10 – 9:45 Topic #3
The God of Hope (Romans 15:13) –Linford Burkholder
9:45-10:00 Announcements
10:05 – 10:55 Workshop #5
A. Attitude or Aptitude? –Linford Burkholder
B. Engaging the Students –Delbert Fox
C. Devotionals That Inspire –Randy Bridge
D. Basics for Beginning Teachers #2 –Joel Hurst
E. Teaching Poetry Appreciation – Lamar Wise
11:05 – 11:55 Workshop #6
A. Microsoft Excel –Linford Burkholder
B. Come to Science Class (High School)-David Rettell
C. Come to Science Class (Middle School) –Jeff Zimmerman
D. Come to Science Class (Elementary) -Kirsten Horst
E. Learning to Read – Regina Martin
12:00-1:10 Lunch
1:10-1:40 Chorus – Loren Martin
1:50 – 2:40 Workshop #7 – Personal Enrichment
A. Land of the Chapín –Dean Boll
B. Landmarks of the World –Kendall Sensenig
C. Following the Humble Christ: Early American Mennonites and Humility-Andrew St. Marie
D. Textile Manufacturing –Ben Burkholder
2:50 – 3:40 Workshop #8
A. Come to Music Class (Upper) –Keith Nolt
B. Come to Music Class (Lower) –Leanne Hursh
C. Managing a Multi-grade Classroom –Weston Nolt
D. Basics for Beginning Teachers #3 –Joel Hurst
E. SPECIAL ED Not “Just a Tutor”: Your Role in Your School –Jackie Wideman
3:50 – 4:30 Topic # 4
Ownership in the Classroom-Kendall Sensenig
4:30 – 5:30 Dismissal
4:30-5:30 Networking and Idea Sharing- Shop for books / Visit with other teachers / Bulletin Board, Art, and Idea Exchange
5:30 Supper
7:00 Singing & Devotions
7:15 History of Christian Aid Ministries –Jon Stoltzfus
9:00 Singing and Opening
9:10 – 9:45 Topic #5
The God of Peace (Romans 15:33)-Linford Burkholder
9:45-10:00 Announcements
10:05 – 10:55 Workshop #9
A. Effective Study Skills –Loren Weaver
B. Effective Review Strategies –Julia Auker
C. SCHOOL BOARD Avoiding Common Board Mistakes –Gene Plett
D. Basics for Beginning Teachers #4 –Joel Hurst
E. SPECIAL ED Why Some Children Learn Differently –Peter Whitt
11:05 – 11:55 Workshop #10
A. Microsoft Power Point –Linford Burkholder
B. Understanding and Working With the Hurting Child –Stafford Eberly
C. SCHOOL BOARD Investing in Your Staff-Linford Horst
D. Understanding Your Influence –Earl Horning
E. SPECIAL ED Why Some Children Learn Differently –Peter Whitt (repeat of #9E)
12:00-1:10 Lunch
1:10-1:40 Chorus – Loren Martin
1:50 – 2:50 Panel Discussions
3:00 – 3:30 Topic #6: Summing It All Up
Attempt Great Things for God –Anthony Hurst
3:30 Dismissal
A. A Fertile Environment (High School) -Neal Weaver
We want our schools to help develop fruitful lives. From the greenhouse of grade one and the developing of the middle graders, students come to us for maturing. Let’s work together on plans for our classrooms of fertility.
B. Establishing Discipline and Routine (Middle School)-Vincent Burkholder
Does discipline deliver disheartening dread? Can middle school students be responsible? We will be focusing on optimal learning environments for middle schoolers and installing procedures and projects that nurture responsibility. Remember, rulers requiring routine receive rewarding rest.
C. A Warm, Nurturing Atmosphere (Elementary)-Jolene Martin
Envision 1st or 2nd graders as seedlings. Is nurturing them more than applying the Miracle-Gro of affirmation? What part do soil conditions, moisture, temperature, or trimming have? Come learn what might contribute to a classroom atmosphere where young plants may thrive.
D. Basics for Beginning Teachers #1 –Joel Hurst
In this workshop, we will look at the teacher and his classroom: preparing for order and a pleasant atmosphere.
A. Microsoft Word –Linford Burkholder
We will show some ways to use this word processing app and discuss strategies for teaching it. Bring your laptop if you want to get the most out of this workshop.
B. Come to Algebra Class (High School) -Scott Witmer
We will be looking at tips for helping students understand and enjoy algebra. We will also be discussing different finance/record keeping courses. Come ready to share!
C. Come to Math Class (Middle School) -Kyle Kreider
Math class. numbers swim in a dizzying array in front of students’ uncomprehending eyes. Dismay flits across faces as pupils realize they got the same problem wrong AGAIN! The anguished teacher despairs of ever conveying new concepts successfully to his flummoxed students. At times, math class can feel this way. In this workshop, I will demonstrate how I teach my math class. Together we will discuss ways to keep math class upbeat and as confusion-free as possible. Come prepared to share tips, ideas, and questions that you have relating to math class.
D. Come to Math Class (Elementary) -Kendra Steiner
Calendars, clocks, measurements, money, and more – numbers are all around. We plan to discuss ways to add variety to daily math drills in the classroom.
3A & 4A. Chemistry (Part 1&2) –John Goering
How can we improve our teaching of chemistry? There are many resources for us to use as we study this fascinating branch of science that teaches us about the great wisdom of our Creator.
3B & 4B. Beginning Steps to Reading –Helen Hoover
(Part 1&2) Grasping phonics in first grade is essential to each child’s success in school. Come to learn and discuss ways of making the journey of learning to read attainable for each child.
3C & 4C. Creative Art Classes (Part 1&2) –Jolynn Stelfox
What first comes to your mind when you think of art class? Do you love it? Do you dread it? In this class, we will discuss ways to create art classes that are both enjoyable and educational. Please bring your students’ favorite art projects and any ideas that you would like to share with the class.
3D & 4D. Inspiring Students to Draw (Part 1&2) -Randy Bridge
Inspire your students to draw at every opportunity. Come to this workshop to gain tips to inspire and teach your students to draw.
3E. Learning Support Approaches (Part 1) –Gary Horst
In this workshop, we will look at the slower learner and the learning challenged. What are some ways we can assist them in learning? What are some resources that we can give them?
4E. Phonics Foundations (Part 2) –Gary Horst
We will look at Phonics Foundations from Christian Light, what it is and how it can be used to aid the dyslexic students in your school. Come to this workshop to learn more about this curriculum and to share and to gain tips on helping dyslexic students.
A. Attitude or Aptitude? –Linford Burkholder
We will explore the causes of low academic achievement, how to deduce the causes, and the available solutions.
B. Engaging the Students –Delbert Fox
Arms raised above heads eager to answer the questions. Thoughtful questions that show a willingness to learn. How can we teachers create the environment that causes the students to be engaged in classes and lessons? In this workshop, we will look at common causes for student disengagement and try to find practical solutions for those causes.
C. Devotionals That Inspire –Randy Bridge
Devotionals that inspire go a long way in the life of a child. How do I get inspired to have devotionals? What are some things I can do to have devotionals that teach?
D. Basics for Beginning Teachers #2 –Joel Hurst
In this workshop, we will study the teacher and the teaching process: planning, presenting, and evaluating.
E. Teaching Poetry Appreciation –Lamar Wise
“I saw the different things you did, but always you yourself you hid. I felt you push, I heard you call, I could not see yourself at all.” –Robert Louis Stevenson What does poetry do for us? Why is this so good? This will be a sort of scratch and sniff, taste and see workshop, exploring the worlds of poetry.
A. Microsoft Excel
We will show some ways to use this spreadsheet app and discuss strategies for teaching it. Bring your laptop if you want to get the most out of this workshop.
B. Come to Science Class (High School) -David Rettell
Science! What an exciting study of God’s creation! How can I successfully cover each lesson while teaching multiple grades? What is important and what should I focus on? Come prepared to ask questions and to discuss and answer them.
C. Come to Science Class (Middle School) –Jeff Zimmerman
Come join science class in action. Explore different methods of teaching and review while participating as a student in a classroom setting.
D. Come to Science Class (Elementary) –Kirsten Horst
Matter. Energy. Atmosphere. Invertebrates. Air. How do you make your science come alive while also making the concepts stick?
E. Learning to Read -Regina Martin
“I can read!” Learning to read is a miracle that opens the world of books to a child, but it happens through careful, deliberate instruction. Come explore with us how to lay a solid foundation so every child can be successful. We will be using Christian Light’s Learning to Read course.
A. Land of the Chapín –Dean Boll
Experience a bit of the culture and color of Guatemala as we make a few observations on topics like language learning, travel, missions, and geography.
B. Landmarks of the World –Kendall Sensenig
“Where in the world is that?” “I never knew such a place existed.” Such comments can be typical of students in a geography or history class. Do our students know in which country to find ancient and modern landmarks? On which continent would they put the Taj Mahal? Do they know about the tallest waterfall in the world? Is the Burj al Arab a practical place to sleep? Do they know about the statues on Easter Island? Let’s discover some of these places and more via this overview of intriguing landmarks around the world.
C. Following the Humble Christ: Early American Mennonites and Humility –Andrew St. Marie
What are the defining characteristics of “the world”? For early American Mennonites, they were violence and pride. Join us to learn how early American Mennonites thought about humility, which they considered to be a fundamental Mennonite teaching. Could recapturing a strong emphasis on humility help us today?
D. Textile Manufacturing –Ben Burkholder
Textile manufacturing is a massive industry, but this workshop will mostly be narrowed down to following the manufacturing process of fabric from design to the bolt in your local fabric shop and the process of sewing fabric into useful articles of clothing. You can expect to see many pictures and videos of my recent tour of two Central American factories as well as an invitation to bring your students for a tour of Good’s Distribution to see a similar presentation on this process.
A. Come to Music Class (Upper Grades) –Keith Nolt
“Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” is a command given for us. How can you apply this to the older students in school? Let’s spend some time in class. Come prepared to participate!
B. Come to Music Class (Lower Grades) –Leanne Hursh
Welcome to this second-grade music class. You will learn briefly about the Kodaly method and observe it being used in class. Simple takadimi rhythm will also be used.
C. Managing a Multi-grade Classroom -Weston Nolt
Multi-grade classrooms are common in our schools. We will discuss ways we can make the best use of the limited time we have each day. How can we save time during class? During review? During break time? Bring your thoughts and questions. Let’s learn to manage our classrooms well together.
D. Basics for Beginning Teachers #3 –Joel Hurst
In this workshop, we will consider the teacher and his students: needs, relationships, and discipline.
E. Not “Just a Tutor”: Your Role in Your School –Jackie Wideman
Tutors work directly with students who have varying degrees of challenges, but all of them come to the tutor’s room with some level of difficulty in learning. However, each student has equal value and is designed by God for a purpose. Should a tutor’s role be considered less important than that of a homeroom teacher? Should you identify yourself as “just a tutor”? No! Tutors are called to become their students’ advocate to other staff, and sometimes the principal or school board, to access the resources they need to advance academically. This workshop is to inspire tutors in their role, as well as providing practical tips for communication with co-staff at your school.
A. Effective Study Skills –Loren Weaver
Everyone wants to be independent, but how can that happen effectively? What tools do they need? How does the teacher hinder this process? Bring your ideas. We will work together in finding solutions to train students to learn on their own.
B. Effective Review Strategies –Julia Auker
Math facts, formulas, parts of speech, and, oh help, lists of words to remember! We give a lot of information to our students in a single day… and expect them to recall it the next. Bring your ideas and tips for making review profitable.
C. Common School Board Problems and How to Overcome Them –Gene Plett
Disengaged churches and patrons, a disengaged chairman, and disengaged board members contribute to a lack of vision, a shortage of teachers, poor academics, and a lack of funds. Then the circle repeats itself.
D. Basics for Beginning Teachers #4 –Joel Hurst
In this workshop, we will consider the teacher – all the way to the end and back again – maintaining energy and enthusiasm with vision.
E. Why Some Children Learn Differently –Peter Whitt
In this workshop, we will be looking at what may be lying at the root of a child’s struggles and what can be done for it.
A. Microsoft PowerPoint –Linford Burkholder
We will show some ways to use this presentation software and discuss strategies for teaching it. Bring your laptop if you want to get the most out of this workshop.
B. Understanding and Working With the Hurting Child –Stafford Eberly
In this class, we’ll discuss ways a teacher can lead a hurting student to a healthy place in school life.
C. Investing in Your Staff –Linford Horst
Investing in our teachers cannot be passive if we expect a positive return. In this workshop, we will discuss ways to devote time, effort, and money in developing teachers who richly bless our communities in return.
D. Understanding Your Influence –Earl Horning
Most of us have lasting memories of school teachers who impacted our lives in various ways. Come prepared to share your memories and to discuss how our everyday influence in the classroom will help to shape and mold our students’ perspectives of God, authority, world views, and many other aspects of life.
E. Why Some Children Learn Differently –Peter Whitt
This workshop is a repeat of Workshop 9E.
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