Studies done on children are showing a huge difference in vocabulary—a gap of up to 15 million words by the age of five. The studies have shown that even by two years old, the vocabulary gap is evident between children who have been in a language-rich environment and children who have not been exposed to or interacted with as much language.
Due to the “exposure discrepancy” of the language a student has or has not been exposed to in their environments before coming in to your classroom, you may have students struggling with an area of content simply because they are not understanding the terms used in the textbook. Vocabulary, and especially academic vocabulary (science-specific terms such as “electron,” “proton,” and “neutron” or literature-specific terms such as “principle,” “style,” and “theme”), is largely the responsibility of the teacher. More than likely, the students will only encounter this kind of vocabulary within the classroom. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that as educators, we go out of our way to help students develop their language. (Himmele and Himmele, 2009)
In order to set your students up for success, I encourage you to spend time with the vocabulary before entering a unit of study. I have compiled a list of ways to introduce academic vocabulary to your students that will require them to engage with the vocabulary before encountering the words in your study unit.
When entering a new unit of study in science or history, students are usually introduced to a list of vocabulary words that they will need to understand in order to understand the unit, interact with the material, and use in speech and writing to show evidence of their learning. Those vocabulary words are often highlighted, italicized, or written in bold throughout the unit. As a teacher, you can use a variety of methods to introduce this vocabulary to your students and help them to think about how the words fit within the larger picture of the unit, how the words relate to the others, and how they can be filed away with the schema or the learning the students already have on the topic.
When reading stories or a chapter book to your students, you can tend to think of this time as a break. Sometimes no planning or thought goes into the book of your selection other than, “I like this book, and I think my students will like it too.” Being intentional about discussing the vocabulary within the book is one way that you can go further with this teaching moment in your day.
With the words that your students have been introduced to, can you be intentional on having them use those words throughout their day? As much as possible, you do not want the words kept in isolation. Rather, you want them to connect the words to the rest of their life and their daily conversations. You want to keep the focus higher on word knowledge and usage rather than correct pronunciation.
In this post, I have offered ideas for implementing vocabulary learning for all the students in your classroom (whole-group learning). In a future post, I plan to give you a few tools to help students to develop word definitions when coming across new vocabulary. As teachers, it is our job not only to teach them academic vocabulary but also to give them strategies on what to do with new vocabulary when they encounter it in the world outside of the classroom.
Source: Himmele Pérsida, & Himmele, W. (2009). The language-rich classroom: a research-based framework for teaching English language learners. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.Anna Zehr
4 years ago
There are various studies that point out huge word gaps. Here’s a summary of the original landmark study: https://www.aft.org/sites/default/files/periodicals/TheEarlyCatastrophe.pdf
Walter Witmer
4 years ago
I would like to question the beginning statement of this article. Fifteen million words? Can you post a link to that study?
4 years ago
Thanks for the question, Walter. We reached out to Kendra for comment (see response below). Just to clarify, the 15 (or 30) million words refers to the total amount of words children are exposed to by a certain age, not the amount of words in their vocabulary (which, of course, would be impossible unless they were polyglots).From Kendra:Yes, the word gap does seem ridiculously high. The articles that I link will refer to a 30 million word gap; but as a conservative, I tend to stay on the safe side 😉 so I stayed at 15 million. Himmele, explains it well in his book Total Literacy Techniques, as the Matthew Effect where he refers to Matt. 25:14-30. It is the story of the wise and foolish investor. It could also be considered as a “snowball effect”. Essentially, the more vocabulary a child knows, the more vocabulary they will learn. The less vocabulary they know, the less vocabulary they will learn. I highly recommend his book for practical teaching on how to implement a higher level of literacy into a classroom.Here are articles concerning the word gap study that was done: • Language Matters: Denying the Existence of the 30-Million-Word Gap Has Serious Consequences (https://srcd.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/cdev.13128?casa_token=k-En8IxsRDEAAAAA%3Adx4E2l3JWM3JHVmC_8isyEySBx9CUZlfie2qlrncTFhxUDVgPxLW0FOv3zx3boxNJzCv-0RowBtaYA)• The Early Catastrophe: The 30 Million Word Gap by Age 3 ((https://www.bilingualpreschool.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/The-Early-Catastrophe-The-30-Million-Word-Gap-by-Age-3.pdf) Another great resources is NAEYC (https://www.naeyc.org/resources/pubs/tyc/feb2014/the-word-gap).Thank-you so much for your interest and response to my article!