Needs to be met and people with a heart to work. Are those the only ingredients required to build an effective ministry? Not if you want an organization that can outlive and outperform its founders. Ministries that endure over time pay attention to laying a solid foundation, building an inner supporting framework, and then adding organizational muscle to the bones. Build on the Rock and build to last.
Needs to be met and people with a heart to work. Are those the only ingredients required to build an effective ministry? Not if you want an organization that can outlive and outperform its founders. Ministries that endure over time pay attention to laying a solid foundation, building an inner supporting framework, and then adding organizational muscle to the bones. Build on the Rock and build to last.
Serving in ministry often brings busyness and extra time demands. I may be actively involved in kingdom work, but how am I doing at meeting the needs of those closest to memy wife and family? What do my wife and children want most from me? A balanced servant of God treasures his marriage, gives his heart to his children, holds his family as a ministry, and casts vision for Christian service in his home.
It is easy to hear ideas and claim them as truth with little basis or personal thought. This approach to life tends to leave one with a collection of beliefs that are shallow and unfounded, easily given up or held dogmatically. This presentation helps us think about the process of moving from staking a claim to owning that claim--the process of developing well-grounded, productive, personal beliefs.
Most of the funds from our people flowing to our ministries derive from cash income they are currently earning. The increasing number of ministries dependent on this same income stream can bring funding challenges. Charitable gifts of net worth, made from increases in asset values can make a strategic difference. Funding Your Ministry discusses how to develop alternative funding through a planned giving program.
Internal controls can be like brakes on a car: unnoticed until they stop working. This presentation presents a broad overview of internal controls and offers specific ways to implement effective controls to ensure your organization is always known for the highest standard of integrity and transparency.
Anabaptists have been thinking, making statements and taking action on technological changes in our world. This presentation attempts to look at broader technological questions: Is any technology really neutral? Can technology be invisible? Can we judge technology? Can we question technological progress? How is technology changing us? Do Anabaptists and Kingdom Christians have anything unique to say to wider culture about technology?
Most missions cant exist without funding. So finding creative ways to extract money from supporters becomes a major focus. We create compelling newsletters, tell stories that work on emotions, and utilize pictures which convey great need. But what kind of responsibility comes with these donations? And when the donors desires conflict with what we know is best, what should we do? Is there a time to refuse contributions? This presentation encourages faithful stewardship of the resources which h
For a ministry, your relationship with your constituency is your lifeline in many ways funding, accountability, direction, protection to name a few. It can also be antagonistic and draining. Learn how you can strengthen those ties and maximize it to be mutually beneficial for a stronger ministry.
Hebrews 13 tells us to remember those who are in prison. Remember to pray for them, visit them, teach them, disciple them, write to them, and mentor them when they leave prison. How do we get started? Isn't it dangerous? What do I say to them? What if I can't answer their questions? What are some guidelines and regulations to follow? This presentation answers these questions and more about prison ministry.
What happens when Gods people take on Gods role? What are the signs that we may be crossing the line? What are the trademarks of a real servant? What is the way to gauge whether you are in the Servant or in the Savior mode of operating?
This presentation looks specifically at 3 areas of challenge for men in ministry positions. It focuses primarily on the impact on Christian service when a man fails to deal with his anger, face his fears, and own his limits. Isolation, control and silence are often the resulting temptations for men. A process of Christian understanding and responsibility is given for men who long for more.
Needs to be met and people with a heart to work. Are those the only ingredients required to build an effective ministry? Not if you want an organization that can outlive and outperform its founders. Ministries that endure over time pay attention to laying a solid foundation, building an inner supporting framework, and then adding organizational muscle to the bones. Build on the Rock and build to last.
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