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Home » Series » REACH » REACH 2015
Medical missions require a plethora of skills and resources that overwhelm the capacities of a single health care provider. Effective, creative teamwork is one answer to the impossible imperatives of…
Jesus was very clear about values. The soul of just one man is of more value than the entire natural world. So why bother handing out aid? If we do decided to separate the temporal from the eternal,…
Does wealth always create attitudes of independence and lessen the closeness of community? This presentation addresses the challenges people face living in a wealthy society and looks at ways wealth…
Find widows, elderly people, youth contemplating suicide, the depressed and dejected in your community. Take your children and grandchildren along or do it as a youth group. Communicate, sing, read,…
Why was I born? What does God want to do with my life? This presentation provides information regarding how to write a personal mission statement, set long term objectives, and short term goals. It…
This presentation explores the attitudes, actions and applications of the fruit of the Spirit.…
Internal controls can be like brakes on a car: unnoticed until they stop working. This presentation presents a broad overview of internal controls and offers specific ways to implement effective…
Are you aware of your purpose for living on this earth? Do you find your Bible Reading, Prayer Moments or even Homemaking tasks fulfilling pursuits? Or hopeless?…
God has placed you where He wants you. He has also orchestrated the events and structure of your life. Where and how do God-ordained authorities fit into the picture? Do not allow societys attitude…
This presentation looks specifically at 3 areas of challenge for men in ministry positions. It focuses primarily on the impact on Christian service when a man fails to deal with his anger, face his…
This presentation takes a practical, hands-on look at some new and some mature tools that are becoming affordable/accessible to make your ministry more efficient.…
This presentation addresses the components of an effective team, discussing what makes a team effective and what can destroy effective team relationships. Merle Burkholder leads the class through a…
This second sessions focuses on compliance and tax concerns for nonprofits. Topics covered in this session or the first one are unrelated trade or business income, earmarks treated as contributions,…
These two sessions focus on compliance and tax concerns for nonprofits. Topics covered include unrelated trade or business income, earmarks treated as contributions, fundraising, items and services…
The purpose of this discussion is to share practical ideas for churches and loved ones to improve their care of missionaries while in service.…
Serving in ministry often brings busyness and extra time demands. I may be actively involved in kingdom work, but how am I doing at meeting the needs of those closest to memy wife and family? What…
These four men discuss ways to promote long term service of missionaries, their rootedness in the communities they serve, and passing on the core values of mission leaders to the next generation of…
What are the factors that allow a ministry to continue making a contribution to its constituency over the long haul? What are the factors present in a ministry that makes it possible to keep…
Thoughtful organization matters in structuring ministries. While effective ministries are not all structured the same, this talk identifies various matters that can make a difference as to whether…
Newsletters, websites, and brochures. Oh my. The digital revolution has made a numbing number of channels available for communication. This presentation dives beneath the channels to explore the…
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