Serving in ministry often brings busyness and extra time demands. I may be actively involved in kingdom work, but how am I doing at meeting the needs of those closest to memy wife and family? What do my wife and children want most from me? A balanced servant of God treasures his marriage, gives his heart to his children, holds his family as a ministry, and casts vision for Christian service in his home.
Serving in ministry often brings busyness and extra time demands. I may be actively involved in kingdom work, but how am I doing at meeting the needs of those closest to memy wife and family? What do my wife and children want most from me? A balanced servant of God treasures his marriage, gives his heart to his children, holds his family as a ministry, and casts vision for Christian service in his home.
Beginning with the Biblical commission for cross-cultural ministry, this presentation moves to considering practical things like communicating the gospel cross-culturally at home and abroad, ministering Biblical truth through an interpreter, understanding cultural dos and donts, being made all things to all men so the gospel can go forth unhindered, helping cross-culturally without harming and creating a dependency, and preparation for sacrificial living for the cause of the gospel unto the un
The length of time in missionary service and the distance from home enhance the feelings of disconnectedness. The goal of this panel discussion is to share suggestions that will enhance connectedness with missionaries during service and assist them as they complete their service and begin the journey of reconnecting with their sending churches and communities.
Why are relationships so challenging? How do I respond to those who irritate me? How do I handle hurts inflicted by others? How do I reach out and minister to those who are hurting? This presentation explores the tangled maze of relationships and discusses Biblical and practical encouragements for healthy interaction with others.
There are gifted people you know that God is calling to missions. Planting the idea, believing in them, helping them prepare, guiding them to the right place, and staying in touch with them while they are away are all important parts of Great Commission. This audio presentation will give you ideas how to do a better job of developing and sending those who are under your spiritual care and influence.
What qualities are needed to being a good host? In scripture we are told to be hospitable and given examples of individuals who were hospitable. To be a woman of hospitality depends a lot on our attitude and what we do with what we have.
Gods part and my part, where do the two intersect? Life is full of the unexpected and the predictable, the unforeseen and the anticipated. As an active servant in the Kingdom of God, what is my role in not only being equipped, but also maintaining ongoing vibrancy for the task that lies before me?
Jesus was very clear about values. The soul of just one man is of more value than the entire natural world. So why bother handing out aid? If we do decided to separate the temporal from the eternal, what is the long-term result of a mission focusing solely on either spiritual or natural need? This presentation will explore the importance of integrating the spiritual and the natural, and how this can be accomplished in our missions.
Does wealth always create attitudes of independence and lessen the closeness of community? This presentation addresses the challenges people face living in a wealthy society and looks at ways wealth can be used to strengthen our local church community. It also presents healthy constructive ways that people can use their wealth in Christian communities in underdeveloped countries.
If you as a lady are called into a position of authority, how do you fill that role? Does the Biblical principle of headship fit in the workplace? What is your responsibility to those who report to you? How do you handle the pressures when it seems you dont have enough hours in your day to get done what needs to be done? Listen to find answers to these pertinent questions.
Missionaries often face discouragement. How can we encourage them, thus enhancing their ministries and their potential for long term service?
Serving in ministry often brings busyness and extra time demands. I may be actively involved in kingdom work, but how am I doing at meeting the needs of those closest to memy wife and family? What do my wife and children want most from me? A balanced servant of God treasures his marriage, gives his heart to his children, holds his family as a ministry, and casts vision for Christian service in his home.
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