Each of us as women bring our unique blend of gifts and passion to a team. Sometimes those differences “grate” instead of nurture and bless. This presentation shows ways of embracing our diversity rather than allowing it to divide and irritate.

Each of us as women bring our unique blend of gifts and passion to a team. Sometimes those differences “grate” instead of nurture and bless. This presentation shows ways of embracing our diversity rather than allowing it to divide and irritate.

Mission boards, school boards, and ministry boards sit in meetings and make decisions. Is that all they do? Have they completed their responsibility when the meeting has adjourned? The board must provide vision, counsel, structure, and resources to the people they have asked to serve. The servants must be "heard." They need a listening ear and firm, wise direction. The board must be hands on enough to make wise decisions and give sound direction, but hands off enough to allow the staff to do the

Whether your mission trip is a work project, hands-on evangelism, or for cultural exposure, your experience can be enhanced by several simple actions. Develop the personal disciplines of reading, prayer, and meditation in the atmosphere of the reality of God's presence. But do not prepare alone. Missions is about people, and you need others' help to strengthen communication and relational skills. Your mission trip can be a service to the missionary as well as a joy and refreshment to your own so

You are looking forward to graduation or graduation is still visible in the rear-view mirror. Business, helping at home, Bible School, voluntary service, teaching school, industry, adventure...what is your next step? Am I at the right spot now? How should I be preparing for the future? What is God's role and what is my role? Listen and explore these questions!

A huge hindrance in city ministry is prejudice. Jesus looked beyond skin color and dirt to the hurting, sinful soul. He proclaimed truth without embarrassment. Clayton Shenk preaches from the Sermon on the Mount, challenging his audience to live in love with Jesus and in obedience to whatever He calls us to do.

Medical missions have historically introduced the kingdom of Jesus to many parts of the world. Have you heard God’s call to pioneer or help establish a medical mission? How can you ‘stay the course’ for the call? What preparations are vital for starting such a mission? What tools are most necessary to meet the special challenges of long-term medical missionaries?

There are gifted people you know that God is calling to missions. Planting the idea, believing in them, helping them prepare, guiding them to the right place, and staying in touch with them while they are away are all important parts of Great Commission. This audio presentation will give you ideas how to do a better job of developing and sending those who are under your spiritual care and influence.

What qualities are needed to being a good host? In scripture we are told to be hospitable and given examples of individuals who were hospitable. To be a woman of hospitality depends a lot on our attitude and what we do with what we have.

God’s part and my part, where do the two intersect? Life is full of the unexpected and the predictable, the unforeseen and the anticipated. As an active servant in the Kingdom of God, what is my role in not only being equipped, but also maintaining ongoing vibrancy for the task that lies before me?

Beginning with the Biblical commission for cross-cultural ministry, this presentation moves to considering practical things like communicating the gospel cross-culturally at home and abroad, ministering Biblical truth through an interpreter, understanding cultural do’s and don’ts, being made all things to all men so the gospel can go forth unhindered, helping cross-culturally without harming and creating a dependency, and preparation for sacrificial living for the cause of the gospel unto the un

The length of time in missionary service and the distance from home enhance the feelings of disconnectedness. The goal of this panel discussion is to share suggestions that will enhance connectedness with missionaries during service and assist them as they complete their service and begin the journey of reconnecting with their sending churches and communities.

Cultivating Healthy Relationships (Barb Coblentz) - The Dock for Learning

Cultivating Healthy Relationships (Barb Coblentz)

Each of us as women bring our unique blend of gifts and passion to a team. Sometimes those differences “grate” instead of nurture and bless. This presentation shows ways of embracing our diversity rather than allowing it to divide and irritate.


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