One major facet of the Christian school movement has been the development of a variety of Christian curriculum. Another is the involvement of nonprofessionals in the administration of our schools. This presents an interesting challenge. Whose responsibility is it to make decisions regarding curriculum? To what degree do the administrators need to be familiar with curriculum? What are some practical suggestions for promoting familiarity with curriculum? Courtesy CSAI.

One major facet of the Christian school movement has been the development of a variety of Christian curriculum. Another is the involvement of nonprofessionals in the administration of our schools. This presents an interesting challenge. Whose responsibility is it to make decisions regarding curriculum? To what degree do the administrators need to be familiar with curriculum? What are some practical suggestions for promoting familiarity with curriculum? Courtesy CSAI.

Typically, our school boards consist of 3-5 members with each member holding some specific responsibility. What are the responsibilities? How should they function in order for the school to operate smoothly? How do we see to it that the teachers get hired, the squeaky desks fixed, and the details of our meetings recorded? Courtesy CSAI.

Shepherding the shepherds: discover the meaning of a true shepherd's heart. Daniel discusses things to be aware of with new teachers, and how to effectively mentor the new teacher. Courtesy CSAI.

Why is an interview important? Teachers have a tremendous responsibility. They are the most important link in the school chain. Dwight looks at some ways of finding the correct individuals so that they can have a positive impact on the school and also maintain their own sanity. Courtesy CSAI.

One major facet of the Christian school movement has been the development of a variety of Christian curriculum. Another is the involvement of nonprofessionals in the administration of our schools. This presents an interesting challenge. Whose responsibility is it to make decisions regarding curriculum? To what degree do the administrators need to be familiar with curriculum? What are some practical suggestions for promoting familiarity with curriculum? Courtesy CSAI.

Drawing from the instructions in 2 Tim. 2, Timothy speaks of the necessary characteristics of those who participate in God's work. The basis of our work in the school, says Timothy, is a personal experience of God's grace. The work is for soldiers who are convinced of the things they teach and promote. Courtesy CSAI.

In our conservative Mennonite circles we view the school as an arm of the church, so church leadership cannot avoid their ultimate responsibility. However, the school board has been elected by the constituency to direct the function of the school. In this discourse, John reviews the times when ministry should be involved, and how they can encourage the board to do their work without constant oversight. Courtesy CSAI.

“New teacher” does not necessarily mean young teacher. However, many times new teachers are also young teachers. How and when should the school board guard the new teacher from concerned or upset parents? What is a realistic workload for a new teacher? How does the board offer practical support by utilizing student teaching opportunities and senior partner/mentor roles? Courtesy CSAI.

The principal plays an integral role in the school. In this workshop, Rodney examines the duties of the principal and discusses how the principal and the school board can plan for the future betterment of the school. Courtesy CSAI.

This topic outlines Biblical directives for pure relationships within the Christian school. What are some safeguards that the school board should practice when interacting with sister teachers? How about opposite gender teachers relating to each other, or even teacher/student relationships? What safe practices can be employed to foster healthy and safe inter-student relationships? Courtesy CSAI.

Our Christian schools have a steady flow of students passing through the doors. The graduates that leave our schools each year will transition into a new phase of their lives. God will lead some to become fathers and mothers, business men, pastors, missionaries, or even school teachers. What are our schools doing to prepare our students with hearts of service to whatever future God calls them? Courtesy CSAI.

Cultivating Board Literacy in Curriculum (Elmer Martin) - The Dock for Learning

Cultivating Board Literacy in Curriculum (Elmer Martin)

One major facet of the Christian school movement has been the development of a variety of Christian curriculum. Another is the involvement of nonprofessionals in the administration of our schools. This presents an interesting challenge. Whose responsibility is it to make decisions regarding curriculum? To what degree do the administrators need to be familiar with curriculum? What are some practical suggestions for promoting familiarity with curriculum? Courtesy CSAI.


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