Group relationships are best maintained and strengthened in an atmosphere of approval. Most of us are energized by affirmation.  Paul challenged us when he said, “For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory”. IThess 2:11, 12 

Group relationships are best maintained and strengthened in an atmosphere of approval. Most of us are energized by affirmation.  Paul challenged us when he said, “For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory”. IThess 2:11, 12 

To be human is to hear and tell stories. In this session, we will look at specific elements of storytelling with examples and analysis. 

Asia is within the 10/40 window and this window represents 2/3 of the world's population, 97% of the worlds least evangelized people, 85% of the world’s poor and is also the origin of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. These statistics in themselves speak volumes of Anabaptist obligations to minister in this area. 

Without purity, our personal ministry will be powerless. Society’s morals are crumbling at unprecedented rates, and while we may be in ministry, we are not exempt from its impact. We are called to both live in (and have the reputation of) purity. In this session we will call attention to the realities of the corruption around us, discuss potential pitfalls that we may face, and learn the importance of implementing guardrails into our lives. Stay for the conclusion and you will learn about the si

In this session Ray addresses the importance of acknowledging ministry as the Lord's work, proper referencing, being selective, accurate job descriptions, and establishing a relationship with your recruits.  

Ethnocentrism – A very unfamiliar word describing a very familiar problem and challenge. This problem/challenge becomes even greater as we consider reaching out across cultures from “inside” the realm of our own Anabaptist sub-culture. What are the challenges we face? How can we overcome these challenges and be more effective in our outreach efforts? 

Authentic is a bit of a buzz word lately. While the word has often been misused, it does express a deep longing in the heart of this generation for realness. In a world of fake TV preachers and phony politicians, what this generation desperately needs is authentic godly leaders. How is God calling us as men to be authentic leaders in our homes, our churches and ministries? 

In this session, we’ll watch the European refugee crisis unfold through the eyes of Isaiah 60. Surely this is one of the greatest opportunities of the age to reach these difficult people groups. This is a call to the church to arise and shine. 

Our master took on himself the form of a servant. So should we. Howard reflects on the examples of Christians in history who served humbly.

Because we live in a fallen world, we’ve all been sinned against and wounded in many ways. From this we adopt perceptions about God that are untrue. In this session we will learn ways to receive the blessed truths of the Word of God that will replace false beliefs with a deep settled confidence in the amazing love of our heavenly Father. 

This session provides an overview of the foundations of effective board governance. It provides an understanding of board governance through four simple core principles that, taken together, produce a complete model of governance. While non-profit board governance is never easy, it need not be cumbersome and confusing. Take your board to the next level of non-profit leadership by grasping and applying these four core elements! 

Digging for Gold - The Dock for Learning

Digging for Gold

Group relationships are best maintained and strengthened in an atmosphere of approval. Most of us are energized by affirmation.  Paul challenged us when he said, “For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory”. IThess 2:11, 12 


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