What are you going to do when you step out in front of the elementary youngsters? What are some pitfalls? How can we best get this math lodged securely in the student’s brains so it doesn’t fall out by next year?

What are you going to do when you step out in front of the elementary youngsters? What are some pitfalls? How can we best get this math lodged securely in the student’s brains so it doesn’t fall out by next year?

What is your goal as a teacher? Survival? Keeping your job? Teaching is much more than making it to the end of the year, Aaron reminds us. We have the opportunity to invest the precious gifts we have received. Is making the investment hard work? Definitely. But the rewards are incomparable. For more on this topic, consider listening to the full talk.

Why are some stories powerful, while others fall flat? Jim encourages us to tell stories with economy, empathy, universality, and tension--and offers plenty of example stories. This excerpt was taken from a longer talk, Stories that Teach presented at Western Fellowship Teachers' Institute 2019.

Discipline is ultimately a liberating exercise. Students need help liberating themselves from the lack of discipline and from frivolous activities. Discipline incubates wisdom.

Okay, board, listen up. A teacher is going to share with you some board-shaking ideas. We hope that this workshop will cause the apathetic tendency in your board heart to dash away like a surprised rabbit.

Pointers about presentation; how to get your “fish” to bite; how to use attractive bait for every “fish”; how to keep them on the hook once they have bitten.

The world as we know it is huge and there is much geography to be learned. What are the important parts of the world to know about? What good is geography to us anyway?

An inspired teacher often will cause the phenomenon of inspired students. Perhaps we could try to be more inspiring for our students…but how?

What are some reasons for teaching music in our schools? Come explore the ingredients for good music. What is the determining factor in what makes music good or bad?

Adolescence: a time of change. How can we shepherd the adolescents in our care as we are cared for by our shepherd?

What are the reasons that we study history? What is history? Is it what happened or what we think happened? How do we dig through bias and teach what really happened? Also, discover a few fascinating historical events that helped shape the world.

Teaching Elementary Math - The Dock for Learning

Teaching Elementary Math


What are you going to do when you step out in front of the elementary youngsters? What are some pitfalls? How can we best get this math lodged securely in the student’s brains so it doesn’t fall out by next year?


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