Of Snow and Marshmallows

By my standards, we never get enough snow in Kansas.  While the news is heralding grand snowstorms in the east (you can tell I haven’t tasted much of snow’s inconvenience), I search in vain for even the slightest hope that we might also get some snow.

I pray for snow.  And the first time it snows in the winter (during school hours) we celebrate by roasting miniature marshmallows over tea light candles.  What fun!

Last year though, the months passed and that prayed-for snow never came so we compromised and celebrated the first time we spied birds at our bird feeder.   After all, we’d worked and prayed hard for them too!  But due to a surprise dusting of snow accompanied by grandiose gales of wind just last week, the students roasted miniature marshmallows over tea light candles and the whole room smelled of the intentionally-burnt sweet bites.  Oh, we love the snow!

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