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Home » Series » CASBI » CASBI 2010
Melvin gives a lot of hands on ideas towards establishing the Bible a major role in your school. Courtesy CASBI.…
(Poor Audio) Marcus seeks to put the school, and the homeschool, into their proper places in the kingdom of God. Courtesy CASBI.…
Parent Teacher meetings can quickly loosing meaning and energy. David addresses why this is and how to regain energy and support from the patrons. Courtesy CASBI.…
Burnout is common in our schools. Tim addresses the problem and provides helpful cures and preventative techniques. Courtesy CASBI.…
Linford tries to be as practical as possible in addressing the day in and day out responsibilities of principals and school overseers. Courtesy CASBI.…
Drawing from extensive experience in education, and from the insights of his audience, Simon presents ideas for meeting the needs of students. Courtesy CASBI.…
From the story of Nehemiah, Glen describes the traits of a positive school leader. Courtesy CASBI.…
Yoder discusses the value of school spirit, and gives seven practical indicators to look for in our schools. Courtesy CASBI.…
Lehman discusses the proper roles of a board, and how to engage well as a new member of a board. Courtesy CASBI.…
Teachers are servants of the parents and the church. It is important to build a partnership with the parents. Dale discusses interacting with difficult parents, and retaining proper focus on the role…
Elmer addresses board members as a teacher’s advocate. He suggests its time to place a higher value on the important role teachers play in our communities. Courtesy CASBI.…
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