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Home » Series » CASBI » CASBI 2019
When you sit down to discuss a child’s progress at a parent-teacher meeting, the level of tension can rise. After all, whether you are the parent or the teacher, your work is being evaluated. But…
What is the value of teaching classic literature to children? Jonas explains that with literature, students connect to reality in a way they might not through other disciplines–and offers extended…
“The best teacher is the learning teacher.” If new teachers must learn all they need by trial and error, they’re missing out on opportunities to invest in the long-term flourishing of the…
How important is literature in your school’s curriculum? How can you lead your students to godliness through poems, stories, and art? How do you select literature that will influence students towards…
As a member of the school board, you are responsible for overseeing many aspects of the school: finding staff, facilitating communication among school staff, parents, and church, providing finances,…
Effectively governing the school means more than keeping the bills paid and the fires put out. Even hiring teachers every year isn’t all. Doug raises seven questions that school boards should…
So your husband is on the school board, or he’s teaching school, or he’s serving in a church role. What does that mean for you (besides the fact that you see less of him)? In this discussion, women…
With active input from attendees, Eugene explores legal and practical issues involved in school finances.…
What is the role of the principal, and what is the role of the board? How does the principal/administrator lead when he disagrees with the board? Andrew leads a thoughtful session on the calling of …
Anthony, a board chair, explores the topic of the chairman’s role and responsibilities in the school board.…
Victor leads a discussion on activities that invite parents to engage with the school at a more than superficial level.…
If your teachers are developing their skills, are they doing it under the direction of the board or on their own initiative? Ken urges boards to plan for staff development, and suggests opportunities…
The people we respect influence our values, says Wendell. Good ministers who earn their congregants respect gain the opportunity to encourage the church’s vision for the school. Wendell encourages…
What are practical ways to interact with manipulative parents? What is the core problem with manipulative parents? What’s underneath the communication problems you experience with parents, and what…
Events like CASBI provide a wealth of ideas for improving your personal and professional life. But if you try to do everything immediately, you’ll likely fail at everything, says Randall. Drawing on…
The effects of the texts and reading material in your school are obvious; they shape your students. But what about the less obvious curriculum, the one that hides in plain sight? Gerald addresses the…
How does the school develop and follow a budget that meets the highest goals for education? Eugene leads a discussion.…
How do schools enhance their high school programs? How do schools without high school plan to implement Grades 9-12? Kevin, a high school teacher, leads a discussion on effective traditional and…
Dysfunctional homes directly impact schools. While some situations cause only minor annoyances, others hinder the student’s and the school’s ability to function, and thus demand more significant…
Some home situations lead to annoyance. Some lead to a breakdown of the student’s ability to function at school. Jonathan leads a discussion on school’s response to this range of issues.…
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