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Home » Series » Christ of the Mount Class Materials
This print-and-cut page contains a journaling prompt: “Mt. 7:13-14 says that the gateway to true life is narrow. Write a paragraph about what this means. What are some things that are too wide to fit…
“Don’t judge!” is a principle of modern society. But what kind of judging did Jesus forbid? This lesson defines several uses of “judge” in the New Testament.…
From within and without, Christians must be on guard for wolvish people and their teachings. This lesson provides several examples of enemy ideologies.…
This lesson expands the study of money by compiling a list of scriptural principles on finances.…
Can money buy anything of eternal value? In this lesson, students study Christ’s teaching on riches.…
This lesson addresses the purposes and practical considerations of fasting. More importantly, it addresses our motivations for doing good.…
What is my place in the kingdom of God? What abilities, gifts, and resources do I have, and what opportunities do I have for exercising them? This printable questionaire leads students to reflect on…
Several prompts outline a discussion on the kingdom of God, a theme in the Lord’s prayer.…
A table breaks up the Lord’s prayer into segments for reflection, response, and personalization.…
A table breaks up the Lord’s prayer into segments for reflection, response, and personalization. Two of the cells are filled in in this example…
In the follow-up lesson on violence and nonresistance, students respond to objections to nonresistance.…
As an introduction to the topic of nonresistance, this lesson examines and critiques the just war theory.…
How does our culture’s concept of perjury reflect on “normal truthfulness”? This lesson reflects on the call of Jesus to faithful honesty…
This lesson in the Sermon on the Mount series examines Christ’s teachings on temptation, marriage, and abstinence.…
“Right relationship with God,” says this lesson on the teachings of Jesus, “is impossible when I have wrong attitudes toward my brothers.” Students are led to reflect on Christ’s fulfillment of the…
“You are the salt of the earth! Salt has zip and pizzazz to it. It keeps things from being bland and tasteless.” This lesson in the Sermon on the Mount series summarizes the Beatitudes, and…
Jesus taught his disciples to regard persecution as an opportunity for thanksgiving, and to seek peace among men. This lesson probes the call–and the irony–of our place in the world.…
Continuing the study of the Beatitudes, this lesson examines hungering and thirsting for righteousness, showing mercy, and seeking God with a pure heart.…
This lesson offers reflections on the meaning of blessedness, and the place of the poor, the mournful, and the meek in the kingdom of God.…
In an introduction to the Sermon on the Mount, Kendall probes the way we come to know the Lord and his ways.…
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