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Home » Series » Church History » Church History 1: Christ and the Apostles
This student handout focuses on the early church’s persecution, especially the persecution intiated by Nero. One of the leading causes of this persecution was the practice of emperor worship that…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, focuses on the early church’s persecution, especially persecution initiated by Nero. One of the leading causes of this persecution was the practice of…
Short quiz on the early Christian’s response to emperor worship.…
Short quiz on the Christian in Roman society.…
This student handout contrasts Roman society with the beliefs and actions of the early Christians.…
Short quiz on Roman society and the early Christians.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, contrasts Roman society with the beliefs and actions of the early Christians.…
This student handout tells about the ministry of Paul and the spread of Christianity during the time of the apostles.…
Short quiz on the spread of Christainity through Paul and the early apostles’ teachings.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, tells about the ministry of Paul and gives reasons for the rapid spread of Christianity during the time of the apostles.…
This student handout covers the time of the early church. It begins with Jesus’ ascension, and includes the growth of the church from being strictly Jewish to including Gentiles.…
Short quiz on the beginning of the early church.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, covers the time of the early church. It begins with Jesus’ ascension, and includes the growth of the church from being strictly Jewish to including…
Student handout about the spiritual and political climate in which Jesus lived and Jesus’ life and ministry.…
Short quiz on the life of Christ including the spiritual and political context of His life.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, describes the spiritual and political climate in Jesus’ day and Jesus’ ministry, death and resurrection.…
Student handout with Biblical references for students to write the definition of church.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, defines what the church is.…
First church history test focusing on the time of Christ, the birth of the church, and the spread of the gospel during the time of the New Testament.…
Mr. Goertzen’s syllabus for his Church History Class, including basic grading policy, procedures and objectives.…
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