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Home » Series » Church History » Church History 2: Leaders, Heretics, and Canon
This student handout focusing on the life and teachings of Marcion and Montanus, prominent teachers in the 2nd century.…
A short quiz on the beliefs of Marcion and Montanus.…
A short quiz on the beliefs of Marcion.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, tells about the life and teachings of Marcion and Montanus, prominent teachers in the 2nd century.…
This student handout focused on Gnosticism, a major competitor of early Christianity. Gnostics taught that spirit was good and matter was evil.…
A short quiz on the beliefs and influence of Gnosticism.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, focuses on Gnosticism, a major competitor of early Christianity. Gnostics taught that spirit was good and matter was evil.…
This student handout focuses on how and why the canon of Scripture was adopted by the early church.…
A short quiz on the canon of Scripture.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, explains how and why the canon of Scripture was adopted by the early church.…
This student handout is about a few of the early church leaders: Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Origen.…
A short quiz matching early church leaders with their lives or teachings.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, teaches about a few early church leaders: Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Origen.…
This student handout ties in with the lesson outline to give a sketch of Augustine of Hippo’s life and beliefs.…
Short quiz on Augustine and some of his beliefs.…
Short quiz on Augustine and the events surrounding his life.…
A paragraph from the Confessions of Augustine of Hippo with teacher instructions on how students are to interact with it.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, gives a sketch of Augustine of Hippo’s life and beliefs.…
This student handout ties with the lesson outline to give the story of Constantine and how his favor of Christianity led to church and state being united.…
A short quiz about Constantine and the changes his favor of Christianity brought to the church.…
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