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Home » Series » Church History » Church History 4: The Reformation
This student handout ties with the lesson outline to touch on the conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Europe following the Reformation.…
A short quiz on Catholic reforms and the conflict between the Catholic and Protestant churches in Europe.…
This document, converted from a PowerPoint, touches on the conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Europe following the Reformation.…
This student handout ties with the lesson outline about John Calvin’s life and teachings.…
A short quiz on the areas that were strongly influenced by Calvinism and what these people were called in each of these areas.…
A short quiz on the life of John Calvin.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, focuses on John Calvin’s life and teachings.…
This student handout ties with the lesson outline to follow the reformation in England beginning with the reign of Henry VIII who made himself the supreme authority of the church of England, and…
A short quiz on some of the differences of thought in the Anglican church during the Reformation.…
A short quiz on leaders in the English Reformatioin.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, follows the reformation in England beginning with the reign of Henry VIII who made himself the supreme authority of the church of England, and continuing…
This student handout ties with the lesson outline following Luther’s life after the nailing of his 95 Thesis on the church door,including the Diet of Worms and his reforms and writings. It also…
A short quiz on Zwingli’s life and beliefs.…
A short quiz on Luther’s life after nailing his 95 Thesis on the church door.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, follows Luther’s life after the nailing of his 95 Thesis on the church door, including the Diet of Worms and his reforms and writings. It also tells about…
This student handout ties with the lesson outline to tell about Luther’s life leading up to nailing his 95 thesis to the church door and the beginning the reformation.…
This document, converted from a Powerpoint, tells about Luther’s life leading up to nailing his 95 thesis to the church door and the beginning the reformation.…
A short quiz about Luther’s life and beliefs.…
Fourth church history test is an essay where students are to “explain how the teachings and actions of Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, and the English Protestants reformed Catholic teaching and practice…
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