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Home » Series » Early Church History Class by Kendall Myers
Powerpoint explaining the ways the Christian church was countercultural to Roman society.…
Simple powerpoint highlighting the main topics during the lecture on the canon of scripture.…
Student handout on the canon of scripture.…
Teacher’s notes on the canon of scripture, why it was necesssary, and how it was decided.…
Timeline for students to date events from the time of the early church.…
Answer Key for the test on the Early Church.…
Test about the early church, Roman persecution,the rule of Constantine and early church leaders.…
Teacher’s notes about several martyrs during the persecution in Rome.…
Student handout on the early persecution of the church, highlighting several famous martyrs.…
Matching terms, people and places, many of them having to do with Islam.…
Student handout on the lives of Ambrose, Jerome, and Augustine.…
Simple picture powerpoint on the lives of Ambrose, Jerome, and Augustine.…
Teacher’s notes giving the basic facts and ideas of three Latin church fathers: Ambrose, Jerome, and Augustine.…
Powerpoint showing picturesof Constantine and some events surrounding his rise to power.…
Student handout on the life of Constantine.…
Teacher’s notes on Constantine’s life and the change his decisions made in the early church.…
Answer key for student handout on three important councils in the life of the early church.…
Student handout to go with the lecture on the early church fathers.…
Teacher’s notes on the early church fathers, their beliefs and how they shaped the church.…
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