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Home » Series » FBEP Teachers’ Week » Teachers’ Week 2017
Teachers are called to balance accepting the abilities God has given us and pushing ourselves to grow. How did Jesus work with the twelve men that were His disciples? In this presentation, Mr. Lichty…
Textbooks are written with a variety of approaches. Some texts are too light and don’t teach enough content, while others have more information than you can teach successfully in a year. What do you…
Most of us have been reading for all of our remembered life, and reading comprehension comes as naturally as driving a vehicle. Because we do not remember the process of learning it, it is sometimes…
Geared towards principals, this presentation focuses on the importance of developing your vision in the realms of relating to parents, developing faculty, and discipling students. Includes some…
What kind of attitude do we bring to the authorities in our community? How about school parents or church authorities? Prioritizing the time and energy to partner with and support the authorities in…
What is with this child!? The objective of this presentation is to discuss various things about human makeup that disrupt learning for a child, learn to identify them, and consider ways to handle…
What can you do when your curriculum is not a good fit for your current class? This presentation discusses options if the curriculum is too difficult or easy, too long or short, or has content that…
Effectively motivating our students goes far beyond a piece of candy or a sticker chart. It is possible to create a classroom culture in which all students, even the ones who are the least excited…
Have you as a woman ever wondered how you can support your leader or how to support your administrator who does not seem to take leadership? Perhaps you wish for better relations with your fellow…
“A proper viewpoint of our own value and purpose that sets us free.” How do you accept yourself as created by God–and perfect in Christ–while also striving to grow? Howard explores the biblical…
Have you personally evaluated your strengths and weaknesses? In this presentation, Mr. Lichty walks us through a personal evaluation, first rating himself on a scale of 0-2, then digging deeper to…
As a teacher, many wonderful resources are available. Where do I begin? One of the most helpful resources you can get are the people you teach with. Seek advice and give advice. Listen to this…
Differentiation is the practice of meeting student needs by making alterations to instructional practices. In this presentation, you will learn WHAT differentiation is, WHY it works, and HOW to…
Who says so? Who is the authority? Does power equal authority? As Christians, our view of authority is rooted in the sovereignty of God. This view changes how we respond, moving our authority from…
No amount of skill or training can supplant the need for cultivating the inner qualities of the teachers heart. All teachers must carry authority, bring order, value learning, burn with compassion,…
Learning isn’t just learning; it is learning how to learn. Critical thinking is a mode of thinking in which the thinker improves his thinking. Jeremy challenges us to grow our students in critical…
Schools run better on efficiency. But is the efficiency to benefit the teacher or the student? Teachers that use a variety of methods creatively reach more effectively the different students in a…
Sometimes we get so caught up in our own stories that we forget about others in the room. Compassion enables us to imagine what others are feeling. Jeremy begins his first presentation in this…
Collaboration: the action of working with someone to produce or create something. The essence of love is that we don’t leave anyone behind. How do I bring the strength of collaboration into my…
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