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Home » Series » FBEP Teachers’ Week » Teachers Week 2019
Geared toward middle school and high school, this session examines reasons for and methods of teaching Pilgrims Progress.…
Why cant Johnny focus on his lessons? Why does he blow up in anger over minor provocations? In Part 1, we will explore how trauma alters brain development and chemistry. This topic is especially…
Johnny shows no physical signs of developmental delay, but early trauma has a part to play in the missing pieces of his development. In Part 2, we want to discuss how we as teachers can help trauma…
A broad overview of geological deposits and processes forming the landscapes of Pennsylvania and surrounding areas, explained in context of the Genesis flood. For middle-to upper-grade teachers who…
Love the Lord with your all. Love your neighbor as yourself. These commands capture the essence of godly living. How do we nurture love for God and neighbor in the classroom?…
In the third session of Texts for Teachers, Steven focuses on two more central ideas teachers should nurture in the classroom. The Lord is one, and all the world is His.…
In the final sessino of Texts for Teachers, Steven examines the importance of fear in teaching children.…
What are the foundational texts that carry us into the classroom and the world? Steven reflects on the power of God’s promises to His people.…
How can you teach like other teachers, the ones you look up to so much? Don’t even try, says Anthony. Instead, embrace the way you’re made while disciplining your own weaknesses. Anthony…
High school history class can offer the student a deeper understanding of the human condition across the ages. Engage with my reflections on teaching high school history as it relates to content…
In elementary grades, it is easy to overlook the fictional elements of story. We tend to focus only on the important skills of comprehension and word building. This breakout is designed to aid your…
If parents are responsible to train their children, what are they doing in schools? Matthew examines the school’s role in serving the goals of godly parents.…
If the gospel is our chief concern, why worry about academics? Matthew calls for schools that seek excellence in everything they do as a part of obeying the gospel.…
What should our goals be as Anabaptist churches? How should we live? How does the school fit in?…
Does your school develop students who love their local church? In the classroom, your students can polish their ideas for perfecting congregational practice, but they won’t thrive until they embrace…
The metonymic adage the pen is mightier than the sword is rarely true without some purposeful effort. How can we make our writing and the writing of our students more effective? This session will…
How do you love the child who constantly pushes the boundaries and does not mesh into your ideal for a smoothly-functioning classroom? The goal of this breakout is to inspire and renew our love for,…
Because of current parenting trends, fresh attention is needed to encourage parents to ensure their children are getting the solid social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual foundation…
Every successful teacher has personal and private habits and practices. These may vary but they stand behind and before success in the classroom. Important questions to be explored are: What are…
After de-bunking the common myths, this breakout will give an overview of dyslexia including early signs, school-age symptoms, and solutions. We will discuss effective academic interventions as well…
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