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Home » Series » Identifying and Developing your Strengths
Based on the work of Charters and Waples, this tool provides assessments of the strengths and weaknesses of Christian teachers. For more information on how to use this document, listen to Howard…
“A proper viewpoint of our own value and purpose that sets us free.” How do you accept yourself as created by God–and perfect in Christ–while also striving to grow? Howard explores the biblical…
Teachers are called to balance accepting the abilities God has given us and pushing ourselves to grow. How did Jesus work with the twelve men that were His disciples? In this presentation, Mr. Lichty…
Have you personally evaluated your strengths and weaknesses? In this presentation, Mr. Lichty walks us through a personal evaluation, first rating himself on a scale of 0-2, then digging deeper to…
As a teacher, many wonderful resources are available. Where do I begin? One of the most helpful resources you can get are the people you teach with. Seek advice and give advice. Listen to this…
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