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Home » Series » Materials for A Beka Grade 5 Science
A study sheet to help prepare students for the test on chapter 7 in A Beka Grade 5 Science.…
A poster project about planets. This document gives student detailed directions on what is required, the purpose, and the material that will be needed.…
A rubric for grading a science oral report for fifth grade. Categories are facts, level of interest, volume and clarity, eye contact, and length.…
A tool for teachers to see at a glance which students have chosen their animal and what animals they picked for their mammal project.…
Two rubrics. One to grade student’s mammal project and the second to grade their speech about their mammal project.…
A student worksheet explaining the material students should have for their project on mammals.…
A study sheet to help prepare students for health test 4 in A Beka Grade 5 Science.…
A study sheet to help prepare students for health test 3 in A Beka Grade 5 Science.…
A course calendar for 5th grade A Beka Science. Miss Nolt switched the order of the chapters so she would teach A Beka Health the third quarter instead of at the end of the year. A great example of…
A chapter checkup worksheet for A Beka 5th Grade Science, chapter 9. Whileit is mostly dependent on the student textbook, it includes additional review of terms and definitions.…
A chapter checkup worksheet for A Beka 5th Grade Science, chapter 7. While it is mostly dependent on the student textbook, it includes additional review of terms and definitions.…
A chapter checkup worksheet for A Beka 5th Grade Science, chapter 6. While it is mostly dependent on the student textbook, it includes additional review of terms and definitions.…
A chapter checkup worksheet for A Beka 5th Grade Science, chapter 5. While it is mostly dependent on the student textbook, it includes additional review of terms and definitions.…
A chapter checkup worksheet for A Beka 5th Grade Science, chapter 4. While it is mostly dependent on the student textbook, it includes additional review of terms and definitions.…
A chapter checkup worksheet for A Beka 5th Grade Science, chapter 3. While it is mostly dependent on the student textbook, it includes additional review of terms and definitions.…
A chapter checkup worksheet for A Beka 5th Grade Science, chapter 2. While it is mostly dependent on the student textbook, it includes additional review of terms and definitions.…
A chapter checkup worksheet for A Beka 5th Grade Science, chapter 1. While it is mostly dependent on the student textbook, it includes additional review of terms and definitions.…
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