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Home » Series » REACH » REACH 2019
Saying “yes” to God changes people. Encounter the stories of two women who said yes to God’s call to serve people who society rejected or ignored. Their “yes” changed their own lives and…
Conservative Anabaptists have historically been successful at retaining their own people, but have had difficulty integrating seekers. Why is this? Are we doing something wrong? How can a church…
This session reviews basic belief choices. It will briefly cover four choices: why I am a theist, why I am a Christian, why I am an Anabaptist, and why I am a conservative Mennonite. We also discuss…
Mission programs begin by responding to a real need. Staff, structure, and funding develop around this need, and gain a momentum of their own. This session asks the hard questions that help your…
What should a supporting church do when the mission appears to be failing, when concerns are increasing, and when support is decreasing?…
As He did with Moses, God uses what we have, however inadequate it appears to be, for the task He calls us to perform. The emphasis of this session is on home mission opportunities, using the…
When Jesus died, the church became His light on the earth. It’s members go into places of spiritual darkness and illuminate them. They do this by surrendering, seeking, and sending.…
Is cross bearing and self-denial still integral to the Gospel message? How is Jesus’ victory on the cross made available to His followers? How should we present the terms of discipleship to the…
Ministries can expand their fundraising networks by involving their workers. But to use deputized fundraising effectively, ministries need to know how to comply with legal requirements. This session…
How many talents do you have? Have you doubled your talents? Jesus’ story about the talents helps us to understand the potential we all have to build in God’s kingdom. You may be surprised to…
There is so much done today in the name of the Holy Spirit. How do we tell thedifference? Is it right to challenge someone’s claim on having heard from the Spirit of God? Do you know the Holy…
What would it look like for God’s kingdom to be on earth? What is God’s kingdom in the first place? Merle challenges us to work for God’s kingdom and make a difference in the world around us.…
Whether you live in a foreign country, teach in a classroom, work in an office, or serve your husband and children at home, your life can be overwhelming. In this session, Lolita Hershberger…
Why wasn’t Paul ashamed of the Gospel? Ken Miller shows how the Gospel was foretold and fulfilled and shares stories of the power the Gospel has.…
As a leader’s wife, do you find it difficult to find your place in ministry? Does it sometimes feel like you have no purpose within your team? How do you feel fulfilled when your calling is to be…
Growing up is hard for anyone. What is it like to grow up in a foreign land and understand two cultures but not be at home in either one? Stephan Gingerich shares stories and lessons from a third…
Elisha’s success as a servant of God was founded on his previous ability as a follower. Men and women of lasting impact were those who knew how to follow before they were in places of leadership.…
When we are convinced that God orchestrates all the events of our lives, we are able to enter new levels of worshipful adoration for Him. Both pain and pleasure tempt us to serve other gods, but when…
This session is a call to young people and all Christians to go to battle for Christ’s cause. He calls us to give our lives and resources completely for those for whom He died. This is also a…
The Master Planner lovingly labored over writing a recipe for each of our lives. In this session, we explore how God can take all the events of our lives and as we stretch our hand toward Him to seek…
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