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Home » Series » Resources for Twice Freed
“The Hound of Heaven,” a poem by Francis Thompson, addresses a theme also found in Twice Freed. In this document, Thompson’s classic description of God’s pursuit appear side-by-side with a partial…
This activity-rich document helps teachers train their students in reading skills and historical appreciation through reading Twice Freed by Patricia St. John. From the contributor: I used it with…
This acrostic chart helps students describe Onesimus’ time in Rome…
True-or-false questions check students’ understanding of chapter sixteen of Twice Freed.…
True-or-false questions check students’ understanding of chapter fourteen of Twice Freed.…
A chart listing the positive and negative attributes of the seven churches addressed in Revelation.…
A chart to help students compare the lifestyle of the city of Laodicea with the description of the Laodicean church in Revelation.…
Discussion points for chapter nine of Twice Freed help students share their observations from the story, and make predictions and inferences about what is happening.…
Ten questions check students’ understanding of the characters and events in chapter seven of Twice Freed. The questions are framed not to hinder reading fluency and enjoyment.…
A chart to help students compare and contrast the temple of Diana of the Ephesians with Paul’s teaching sessions in the school of Tyrannus.…
A one-page fill-in-the-blank activity focusing on the characterizing aspects of Ephesus in the Roman Empire.…
14 questions ask the reader to draw inferences from chapter five of Twice Freed by Patricia St. John.…
Background information on the story of Baucis and Philemon and the value placed on hospitality, from Greco-Roman mythology.…
A simple “Who is Guilty?” activity chart for chapter three of Twice Freed by Patricia St. John.…
A supplement to chapter one of Twice Freed, describing clothing styles in the ancient and medieval world.…
A sample of a one-page book report on Twice Freed by Patricia St. John.…
For students studying the story of Onesimus, the book of Philemon provides historical context. This document guides students to find specific evidence in the Bible, and includes the book of Philemon…
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