Is your talking communicating? Do you need a brush-up on your communication skills? What about when someone else in the relationship wants to talk and I don’t really feel like talking?
How small is infinitesimal? Is infinity big or small? Can you see the invisibly small? How can a microscope make the small bigger? What microscope should I purchase and how can I put it to use in the classroom?
Nathan offers reasons that high school math matters, and provides practical, sensible advice for teaching upper grade math. How should students be prepared for high school math? What areas should you emphasize? What tools are available to you as a teacher? How do you support struggling students?
What provides perfect, sure, right, and pure guidance for the teacher and her class? The speakers reflect on the power and life in God's word.
You don’t have to teach very long before you are faced with the challenge of helping a slow student get his work finished or desperately trying to find more work for a fast student. But what do you do when you have both in the same class?
In this session, Derek, Jonah, and Jaydon offer brief windows into their school background and explain their goals for teaching. Listen for the inspiration of others' experiences, and to catch the vision which they have of teaching out of the impress of Christ.
Where do I, as a teacher, go for some more “caffeine”? What will keep me bouncing into the classroom every morning? What will provide me with the momentum to weather the doldrums and win the defiant? Is there such a thing?
What are some ways our students can be learning to lead the songs that are an integral component of our worship services, with a sense of gracious and humble confidence?
Recess can be a rewarding time of recreation and connection, or a time of stress and conflict. Between the violence of dodgeball and yawns of duck-duck-goose, we want to explore the possiblities for your recess experience.
This workshop will focus on three principles that help us educate dyslexics and other challenged learners.
Does competitive debate have a place in conservative Christian schools? Perhaps it’s debatable! Let’s take a look at what it could do for our students and how it could be guided. What character could it build? What skills could it develop?
Procedures save us from making many mistakes, and help your class function as a unit. How do we develop healthy procedures for school? Jaydon urges us to lay an ordered foundation personally, then extend this discipline to the classroom.
Starting out in the classroom can be scary. There is so much to learn! But for those who feel their inexperience, Jonah offers encouragement: Don't underestimate the "presources" you bring to the classroom! Whatever your background and life experience, it can enrich your teaching and thus your students.
You know things. You find some of them interesting. But will your students agree? As you present in the classroom, says Jonah, your goal is to make what you know accessible and interesting to your students. In other words, you must capture and keep their attention.
The right kind of preparation can empower you to handle the demands of teaching. Derek describes the benefits of preparation, and offers direction for spending your preparation time fruitfully.
Awareness of the common pitfalls is the first step to staying out of them. What might trip up your teaching? Derek reviews the possibilities: faulty self-concepts, ignorance of technique, poor planning, inneffective discipline, and moral failure. How can you avoid these pitfalls?
God has delegated authorites to leaders in church, government, and family. But what do we do if our authorities abuse their authority? Can we submit to those who are not submitting to God?
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