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Home » Series » WFTI » Western Fellowship Teachers’ Institute 2022
On the playground or in the classroom, students win and lose. How can we teach our students to be humble winners and graceful losers?…
When all else fails, read the directions. Yes, I mean teachers. Will we ever learn? There are so many resources around us. If you find yourself at the end of your rope, go to the right place for…
What does a child need to feel accepted? How can we raise children who easily find acceptance with peers and adults?…
A brief overview of this classic book about teachers and learners; to impart knowledge of these laws and their underlying principles so as to help the teachers to be more effective and efficient.…
A series of reflections for novice teachers on the privilege of teaching.…
Session three of a three-part series on the power of math.…
Session two of a three-part series on the power of math.…
Session one of a three-part series on the power of math.…
A series of reflections on the perfect teacher, the perfect parent, the perfect board member, and the perfect student.…
God made all these personalities and abilities that walked through your classroom door and into your heart. He is the one that will give you the wisdom and the recipe to make a delectable stew…
A hammer and nails, a square, a tape measure- of course these belong in a toolbox. But what are the tools that a school board would have in their box? And might we grab the hammer when the square…
What is happening when we communicate? Session one of a four-part series on effective communication.…
Sometimes we run up against deadlines even when we are diligent, but sometimes its of our own habitual laziness or carelessness. How do we learn to be habitually “on time”?…
What preexisting sources of information and wisdom do first-year teachers bring to the classroom?…
Session three of a three-part series on teaching phonics and reading.…
Session two of a three-part series on teaching phonics and reading.…
Session one of a three-part series on teaching phonics and reading.…
A talk for teachers on the subject of personal integrity. Part 3 of 3.…
A talk for teachers on the subject of personal integrity. Part 2 of 3.…
A talk for teachers on the subject of personal integrity. Part 1 of 3.…
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