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Home » Series » Worldviews » Worldviews Class Materials
Kendall offers three scripture passages that guide our understanding of and relationship to the government.…
Syllabus for Mr. Meyer’s worldview class.…
Mr. Meyer’s worldview class schedule, broken down into individiual weeks. Each week what will be taught and what homework will be given is clearly stated on the schedule.…
A grid breaking the day into fifteen minute intervals for students to keep track of what they do with their time in a 24 hour time period.…
Kendall offers teaching strategies for making worldviews class effective.…
Four questions to ask when doing a role playing scenario with the individuals created in the profiles project.…
Examples of portraits of people to give students an idea of what their character’s portrait may look like for their project.…
In this worldview project, students are divided into teams and each team is to “create a character that accurately represents one of the six major worldviews that we are studying in this class.”…
Grading score sheet for student profile project, grading three basic categories: thoroughness, accuracy, and effort put into the drawing.…
Student handout giving five basic principles for making and spending money.…
Five basic principles for making and spending money.…
According to Mr. Meyers, “This project is an original collection of succinct yet comprehensive statements of ones own beliefs regarding six basic categories of reality.” It gives the students…
Grading score sheet for the student poster project, grading three aspects: thoroughness, accuracy, and creativity.…
Describes the poster project that Mr. Meyers has his students do, the things he is asking them to include, and how it will be graded.…
This grading score sheet has three categories with some description of the thoroughness, originality, and clarity that Mr. Meyers looks for in the project.…
Mr. Meyer’s appeal to his students to be people who follow Truth, whether easy or difficult, and who live for something greater than immediate pleasure.…
Questions and answers for the teacher to lead a discussion on what a Christian’s view of the government should be. Bible verses and practical examples are given.…
Questions for students about what a Christian’s view of the government should be. Bible verses are given.…
In late 2008, British atheist Matthew Parris reflected on the effects of Christian missions in Africa. “Missionaries, not aid money, are the solution to Africa’s biggest problem,” he concluded. Read…
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