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Home » Series » Worldviews » Worldviews: Ethics
Student handout on the dilemma of an almighty, good God and evil in the world.…
Teacher’s notes on the dilemma of an almighty, good God and evil in the world.…
Student handout including the definition of moral absolutes and five reasons that make a case for the existance of moral absolutes.…
Teacher’s notes giving the definition of moral absolutes and five reasons that make a case for the existance of moral absolutes.…
Five common criticisms of nonresistance with historical and Biblical responses.…
Teacher’s notes on Islamic ethics with quotes from the Qur’an giving some of their specific moral guidelines. At the end, Islamic ethics are compared with Christian ethics.…
Questions for a classroom discussion on ethics. Some questions seem to have simple answers, but lead to other questions that are more controversial.…
Teacher’s notes focusing on two influencial leaders in ethical relativism. Margaret Sanger was an early advocate of the birth control movement. Peter Singer taught that humans were only worth more…
Student Handout on the Humanist/Marxist view of ethics, their foundation, their ethical relativism, and their opposition to Judeo-Christain morality.…
Student handout containing a definition of ethics, some questions to consider, and a few key terms having to do with ethics.…
Teacher’s notes on a Christian’s view of violence. Jesus taught His followers to love their enemies. What does this look like? Mr. Meyers has questions to help his students wrestle with some of these…
Teacher’s notes on a Christian’s view of sexuality, including marriage, divorce and remarriage, and homosexuality.…
Student Handout on a Christian’s view of sexuality, including marriage, divorce and remarriage, and homosexuality.…
Teacher’s notes on Christian morality, based on two premises: the character of God and how God created people to live.…
Teacher’s notes giving four popular reasons Christians give for participating in war. Responses to these reasons including Bible verses are given.…
Teacher’s notes giving six reasons that Christians should not participate in war.…
An article by Peter Kreeft arguing for absolute moral standards in a society that has promoted cultural relativism.…
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