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Home » Series » Worldviews » Worldviews: Theology
Teacher’s notes discussing what Muslims believe about Allah. Included in this document is a student handout.…
A chart comparing 6 worldviews (Christianity, Islam, Marxism, New Age, Postmodernism, and Secular Humanism), their beliefs in God and why they believe this way.…
Student handout on three basic views of God: He does not exist (atheism), we cannot know that if He exists (agnosticism), and God does exist (theism, pantheism, deism).…
Teacher’s notes on three basic views of God: He does not exist (atheism), we cannot know that if He exists (agnosticism), and God does exist (theism, pantheism, deism).…
“Is there a God? What is He like?” These are the two basic questions about God. These notes focus on the first question, ending with the idea that what we think about God does not change reality.…
Teacher’s notes on Secular Humanistic Marxist Theology, more commonly known as atheism or naturalism. Includes the Periodic Table of the Elements.…
Student handout on Secular Humanist Marxist Theology, more commonly known as atheism or naturalism. Includes the periodic table of the elements.…
Student handout on the reasons to believe in God.…
Teacher’s notes giving 9 reasons to believe in God.…
Powerpoint giving reasons to believe in God, reasons from science, history, and personal experience.…
Short quiz matching these theological positions (Theism, Deism, Agnosticism, Atheism, Pantheism) with their belief about God.…
Student handout on Postmodern theology whose adherents call themselves agnosics.…
Teacher’s notes on Postmodern theology. Functionally these people are atheists, though they call themselves agnostics. They believe that each person must decide what is true for themselves.…
Student handout on New Age theology. Some of the basic premises are reincarnation, self-worship, reducing Jesus to a model human, and pantheism.…
Powerpoint on New Age Theology, including quotes from its followers.…
Teacher’s notes on New Age theology. Some of the basic premises are reincarnation, self-worship, reducing Jesus to a model human, and pantheism.…
Student handout that includes a description of God, some of His attributes and pictures of God.…
Teacher’s notes that include a description of God, some of his attributes, and pictures of God. Jesus is the ultimate picture of God but other things are included that show us parts of God’s nature.…
Teacher’s notes to go with the lesson on Islamic beliefs including the Koran, Hadith and Muhammed. The bulk of the notes are about the cartoons of Muhammed that sparked riots in many Muslim countries.…
Humanist Maifesto I as originally written in 1933 along with revisions in 1973 and in 2003. These attempt to describe the basic beliefs of humanism.…
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