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Home » Lectures » Fifty Years of Ministry
What was Sanford Shanks vision when he founded Christian Light Publications in 1969? How has the ministry of Christian Light reached around the world in recent years? Hear and see how God has blessed and guided through many milestones.
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Some professionals discount rhyme in poetry as cheap technique. Though rhyme alone does not deliver poetic quality, poetic language infused with winsome rhyme forms a stirring combination near the…
What makes children ages 9-14 read their favorite books till the pages fall out? Together we will peruse these books and discover how the authors reach this age groups heart.…
What makes some photos pop and others fizzle? In this workshop well discuss this question in an attempt to help us take better photos with whatever equipment we have. Well also discuss common…
Color in our world speaks to us in subconscious ways. The warm tones of vibrant autumn contrast with the restful blues of mountains and water. We will work with warm and cool colors and notice how…
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The pace of new hymns being published exploded in the late twentieth century and is still expanding today. Discover how these hymns combine tradition with innovation, including some hymns by…
The more skillfully you portray characters emotions, the more authentic your characters. Learn techniques that will convince readers your characters are real people they might meet in the paint…
What difference does it make that the Lord lives within us? Steve reflects on the power of the word of Christ living in us. He urges us to maintain our confidence in the transforming power of Jesus.…
Well focus on arranging still lifes, close-ups, and portraits, using props from nature and everyday life. Learn how sunlight and cropping can enhance the subject. Then well turn that photo into a…
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