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Home » Lectures » Great Leaders
Every person is a leader to someone in their life. This session will help you understand your leadership role and will provide practical ways for you to serve those who look to you as a leader.
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So many missions are serving worthy causesbut are there enough available dollars among our people to fund them all? Most of the funds flowing to our ministries derive from cash income contributors…
Transitions seem to be a fixed part of ministry. This session will explore some principles that can serve as a foundation for transition so that momentum can continue despite change. …
We will explore the marks of cohesive teamwork. Nothing strains an organization more than when its leaders pull in different directions resulting in great frustration and frequent division. Yet, many…
All who are involved in ministry know that there is a never ending list of people wanting our time – including our family. We will explore the basis for the family to be held as our first…
The oysters irritant gives way to a pearl. Well focus in this session on locating your story and shaping it in beauty. …
We are seeing unprecedented migrations of people in our world today, and this trend is likely to continue. How is this impacting our local communities? The politicians have had a lot to say on the…
Similar to other careers more of our mission organizations could benefit by long term commitments of its workers. This workshop will look at the positives and negatives of career missionaries.…
Group relationships are best maintained and strengthened in an atmosphere of approval. Most of us are energized by affirmation. Paul challenged us when he said, For you know that we dealt with…
As the world becomes more interconnected, opportunities to meet and interact with Muslims are available to all of us. Yet feelings of fear and inadequacy sometimes keep us from taking advantage of…
This workshop will explore visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles and the value of incorporating them in our teaching. This will be an interactive workshop where attenders will participate…
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