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Home » Lectures » Maintaining Vitality (John Coblentz)
In ministry, we are faced with many demands and are often asked to give more than is possible. Maintaining health in our physical body and in our soul is key. We need continual input in order to have continual output.
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Teachers do more than fill a spot, or impart information: their hands become the guides for the hands of their students. This excerpt was taken from a longer talk, Teacher, Curriculum, Facility,…
We maintain long-term enthusiasm in our classroom by seeing teaching as a ministry, not just a job. When we choose to focus on serving our students rather than on what we can get out of teaching,…
Your personal life will make an impact in your home, your classroom, your church, and your community. John urges us to live lives of personal holiness for the sake of those we influence. This…
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This second part of Mr. Loomis’ talk focuses on how RAD affects school and learning efforts and the cure for RAD.…
Your life matters. Mr. Coblentz gives examples of three things that can keep us persevering in our calling: the example of others who were faithful, the life and victory of Jesus, and the hope of…
Some people consistently make good choices. Is it a stroke of luck or are there principles that we should apply to our own lives in order to make wise decisions ourselves? We will consider five…
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